Ch.14 |Their Meeting|

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Disclaimer : I don't own Marvel


3rd Person's POV

" U-Uh... What just happened??.. Who are you??... D-Did I hurt someone??..." Bruce asked quickly, whispering the last sentence, afraid to know the answer.

He was surprised at the reaction that he got. The mysterious lady in front of him didn't start to yell out profanities for him to not come close, but instead the lady smiled and walked closer to him (which should have alerted him but somehow her presence just make him more relaxed), while rummaging through her bag.

Entranced, he anticipated for what the lady would do next. He waited, not realizing that he was in the middle of a dark building, naked with only a large shirt covering his crotch area.

The lady seemed to have found what she was trying to find and held it out to him, confusing him.

" I-Is that cargo pants... and boxers?" Bruce asked incredulously, confused as to why the lady was handing him the clothing or even why she had it in the first place.

She looked quite proud and nodded " Yes yes, indeed they are. I have come prepared due to your powers" she said, smiling proudly.

" My powers?...-" Bruce repeated as he started to remember what the situation was and felt the coldness from the air.

He averted his gaze and started to feel embarrassed, quickly snatching the clothing from her hands and asked her to turn around as he started to cover himself.


" S-So..." Bruce trailed.

After the event, 9 had somehow convinced Bruce to pack this things and come with her, in case they got a chance to come back. So now 9, Bruce and his things are now on her hoverboard hovering through the woods.

9 glanced at the man, who was sitting on the hoverboard's passenger seat, and smiled, " Yes?" She asked.

Before Bruce could utter another word, 9 quickly turned her head towards him. So quick that he got startled by the sudden movement. 9 muffled a laugh and regained her composure.

" How rude of me, I'm sorry. My name's 9, it's literally the number 9" She introduced herself to the timid scientist, who currently was still wary at the woman and sat as far as he could on the edge of the plank.

Despite his curiosity about the origin of her number-based name, he opted that it's best to just stay quiet about it for now and instead he introduced himself, " Uh yeah um, my name's Bruce Banner"

9 grinned, " Yeah, I know" she said before she turned her head to look ahead so they wouldn't bump into any trees. The conversation died quickly and ofcourse, Bruce would feel awkward as he'd been out of contact from his fellow humans for a few years now.

Hence the effort Bruce made to continue their chatter, " Uh um-" Bruce stopped his rapid blinking and took a deep breath but despite his effort, all that he managed to get out was " Why?"

9 glanced at him and tilted her head in wonder, " Mmm...". Trying to think of a reason without making a paradox was harder than she thought.

" Because you're important...?"

Although it came out more as a question than a sentence, Bruce was still taken back by the mysterious woman who was flashing him an innocent smile.

He somehow knew that she didn't mean it romantically but that certainly didn't stop the blush that was rising onto his cheeks. Bruce tried to hide it by facing the moving ground under them as they continued to hover through the woods.

It took a while for him to calm down but when he finally could think clearly, he realized some disturbing details that he had missed from the event that had happened; She has a hoverboard (which he didn't think would be possible to build), she knew where he was and came to his rescue suspiciously on time, and the last thing was she said that she had known his name even before he introduced himself (although there was a chance that she had been following his research from before he disappeared, but that wouldn't explain how she had found him).

Glancing at the woman suspiciously, he contemplated whether he should question her, run away or keep quiet for now.

He decided to keep quiet for now and not to do anything sudden or suspicious, since he didn't know what she would do in the middle of the forest. He should at least wait until they were back in the civilisation where she couldn't do anything to him, that is if she would actually do something.

Noticing the change in her new friend's mood, 9 turned to look at him; to see that he had somehow shifted on the plank and ended up on the corner of the plank, sitting as far away as possible from her while watching the ground with, what she deduced to be, a mix of confusement and frustration.

Deciding that it would be better to leave him to his thoughts for now, she went back on focusing what she's going to do right now; Should she stay with the storyline of 'The Incredible Hulk' and let him meet his, supposedly, first love interest (even though she prefers Bruce to end up with Natasha Romanoff rather than Betty Ross), or should she just fuck it and bring him back with her to America where she could protect him in her very secure apartment.

If she went with the previous one, the story would most likely alter and she wouldn't know what to do since the government had backed down, but if she went with the latter, Bruce probably wouldn't get over his much trust issues and would get very suspicious of her which wouldn't be very good for the storyline as there was already a lot of drama in 'The Avengers' when he had with only half of it.

9 sighed audibly as she was torn to what she needed to do but instead she opted to plan C; Which is to just wait and see what's going to happen to her and Bruce tomorrow.


Sorry for the loooooong wait.

But hey! I updated hehe..

Thank you for y'all's comments and votes ^-^

And Oh. My. Lawd.... The views went up and beyond *^*

Welp please vote and comment ^_^

J Out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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