*Another month later*

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There was a festival going on where Diane and King took Lucas to get away from the tavern. Meliodas didn't go because he was due any day now and he didn't want to end up having the twins at the festival, plus he's been getting braxton hicks lately. Ban stated back with Meliodas because he wanted to be there when Meliodas goes into labor. Merlin and Gowther also stayed back for the same reason as Ban and Meliodas. Diane and King needed a break from Ban and Meliodas because of how the lovebirds are. It drove the 2 crazy when Lucas faints over something that he really shouldn't be hearing. Though their adopted son just got used to Ban and Meliodas, they don't want him to repeat what they do. Those were the reasons why they went out for the day. The other reason was to spend time with their adopted son. Hawk also went to the festival with Diane, King, and Lucas for one of those reasons to get away from Ban and Meliodas. The talking pig was annoyed with Meliodas' pervertedness whenever he's groping Ban or doing things to the tall blue/silver haired man. He couldn't smack Meliodas off of Ban because Meliodas is pregnant. Hawk remembers last month he watched Meliodas sneaking up on Ban in an attempt to grope him and his back started hurting. Which gave the talking pig something to think about to make him feel better.
     * 3 hours later*
    The 4 got back from the festival, which they had a good time at. When they went in the tavern, everything was quiet. When the 4 walked in, they stepped in a puddle. Meliodas' water broke. Which made sense because they heard screaming coming from upstairs. King took Lucas to his room while Diane went upstairs to check on the others. When she walked up, she noticed that the door was locked. She peaked through the crack on the door. Diane went downstairs, told King, Lucas, and Hawk that their Captain is having the twins. She also told them that the door was locked, so there was nothing that they could do but wait till the twins are born.
     After things got quiet, King and Diane went to check on the others. Lucas was taking a nap so Hawk kept an eye on him. When the shrunken giant girl and fairy king walked in, they saw Meliodas holding the twins and Ban sitting next to the bed. Diane and King walked in when Ban and Meliodas were arguing about comparing each other to Elizabeth and Elaine. Which they decided to name their kids after. Diane held Elizabeth, while King held Elaine. King liked that Ban named his daughter after King's sister to remember her by. "You did good Captain". Ban said. "Hey, you helped me make them". Meliodas said jokingly. Ban and Meliodas kissed while enjoying the moment they were having right now. "King, Diane, can you give me and the Captain a moment"? Ban asked. "Um sure Ban", Diane replied. Diane and King walked out and stood by the closed door looking through the crack. They see Ban pulling a small box out of his pocket and pulls out a ring. "He's gonna propose to the Captain". Diane said. "I know right", King said. After they witnessed the proposal, they act normal when Meliodas opens the door. He hands Elizabeth and Elaine to Diane and King before he shuts the door, locks it, and aggressively makes out with Ban. "Well that's the Captain for ya". King said. "At least he's back to himself". Diane said. After Meliodas and Ban got some making out, they get the twins back from Diane and King. "Well that's a start". Diane said. "Yup, they approved", King said.

How King and Diane decide to adopt Lucas Where stories live. Discover now