Chaprer 16

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As the rest of the week went on Jenna didn't bug us. Actually I didn't see ever around much. People I didn't even know would say hey to me and sometimes thank me for what I did. But honestly I didn't do much but put someone in there place. I'm everything was going well and I was really happy about that. But it was one day on the weekend where everything changed. Lucas was out of town with Sebastian and Emma to some game. So it was just me. I was relaxing at home when all of the sudden I got a knock on my door. I opened the door and it was the person who originally owns the house. The house I lived in was just a rental. She told me that I needed to go. Her family was going to move in. I didn't know what to do. She gave me a month to figure it. So in other words I have a month to find somewhere to stay that is around here. I need to stay close to everyone but I also don't wanna tell anyone what's going on. I said ok and that I understood. She walked off so I closed to door. Now I was going to be even more stressed. There's only a little more than a month left of this school year. Lucas and the others won't be back for another week so I have time to fix everything on my own. I ran to my room and went on the computer. I looked at houses that were for sale near me. There was quiet a lot but none of them really caught my eye. I don't wanna tell anyone what's going on. This is my own problem and I need to fix this on my own. I spent the rest of the night looking at houses.  After about a week or so of looking I finally found a house that I liked that was for sale. It was a little pricey but it'll all be ok. I know I'll be able to afford it within time. I called the person who was selling the house and they said it was all mine. I was so glad to know that I won't have to move out of state or something again. I finally found a place where I was happy and had friends. I'm just so blessed that I won't have to move. I have 3 weeks left to get everything packed and out of this place. I didn't tell Lucas anything. I wanted to do this on my own. I didn't tell anyone anything. But I was ready for this. I had plenty of boxes in the garage just in case. I went to the garage and grabbed some boxes and took them to my room. It sucks because this place felt like it was my actual house. But I guess this just isn't my forever home. I know end the end I'm going to end up working myself way to hard and having a mental break down or something but I'll be fine. I can do this I'm a strong independent woman.

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