Chapter 5

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"Nothing but your son and your husband" Mr Harun replied.

Mrs Binta:(Grumbled) God forbid. So you decide to go out with someone other than your daughter?

Mr Harun:(smiled) I don't have your time, Ali go and call Fati and tell her to bring inside all the stuff from the car. I have to take a shower.

Mr Harun went straight to his room and let Mrs Binta and I standing in the parlour, she began insulting me with her face and I went quickly to the kitchen where I met Umma washing the dishes and Zainab was busy playing with her dolls.

I forgot the message and I started playing with a doll too, Umma looked at us and smiled "Zainab, here is a friend for you now, you don't have to cry and ask me to take you to the next-door neighbours to play again." She said.

After a moment, I had Mr Harun's voice "ALI,ALI!", then i remembered the message he gave me, I passed it to Umma. Zainab and I followed her to the car, she brought all the stuff and took it to the parlour where Mr Harun and his wife were sitting. Mr Harun asked the two of us to sit next to him while Mrs Binta called Zainab to sit on her lap.

Umma the house maid was standing there and Mr Harun " Fati take all this to your room, it's all Ali's" he said.

Mrs Binta: Where is Zainab's own?

Mr Harun: Haven't I asked you the very moment before I stepped out?

She got mad and stood up, she grabbed the baby doll I was holding and took Zainab with her to her bedroom.

Mr Harun:(smiled) Don't worry Ali, I will buy to one too.

I nodded and followed Umma to the room.

The next morning, it was on Monday, Mr Harun waked me up early where I saw Zainab with school uniform. He took us to Zainab's school, it was a three story building, I never thought it was a school till the moment we entered and I saw Zainab going in to her class where Mr Harun and I went direct to the headmaster's office.

Mr Harun knocked on the door. "come in" the headmaster said. We went inside.

Mr Harun: Good morning sir.

H master: Morning, you may sit please.

M Harun: How are you headmaster?

H master: Am fine thank you, you?

Mr Harun: Am fine too.

H master: How can I help you?, and you never told me you have a male son.

Mr Harun: Yes, I actually adopted him and that's why I am here with him, I want him to join your school.

H master: Ohh, that's nice of you. How old is he and have he started school somewhere?

Mr Harun: He is seven and have not started.

H master: Then he need to be in the kindergarten though he's seven but that will help him before going to primary level.

That was ok to Mr Harun and there he filled some forms. "He may start tomorrow" the headmaster said.

I was exited that day because I wanted to start a new school not like Malam Idi's type.

Mr Harun was planning to leave for abroad the next day, I was worried thinking of how to live with his wife Mrs Binta though Umma was there for me when ever I needed her.

She once said to me "I have a son who is just like you in age but I don't know how he is living in my village without his father and I, so I have to treat you well just like how i need my son to be treated."

Later in the night I was passing by the parlour I heard Mr Harun saying "you see, you must take it easy because Ali is your son now and you need to treat him like one please." " Ok I'll try, but I just don't want stubbornness" Mrs binta replied.

I woke up the next day and I couldn't find Mr Harun though it was early.

I: Umma

Umma: Yes Ali what's it?

I: I couldn't find Mr Harun's car and he himself.

Umma: Yes, Mrs binta took him to the airport very early so that he can catch his flight.

I: Where is he going?

Umma: He's going back to abroad where he works, just forget about this, you see Zainab is set already so let's go and be set too before Mrs Binta return from the airport. Because she will be the one taking to school now.

She came back late and took us to the school late too, she dropped us outside the gate of the school and drove away. Zainab already new her class which I didn't know mine, from there I followed Zainab to her class. As I entered " Hey young man, where is your class" their teacher asked . I told him that I didn't know so he took me to headmasters office, the headmaster recognised my face and sent me to the my convenient class.

After the closing our everyone was going home while I was busy looking for Zainab, I searched everywhere but couldn't find her. The headmaster saw me waiting at the gate where we were dropped, he thought Mr Harun forgot me and he called his phone which he couldn't reach it. The school was at the end off the street so it was not that far from the house, he held my hand took me inside his car and drove me home.

Mrs Binta had to lie to the headmaster that she had forgotten about me because that was my first day and she promised not to forget again.

Which was all lies, she left me there intentionally. From then she took and brought us back from the school together. One day she took us to the school and when she came back to pick us, she took me off the school gate and pulled over some feets from there and asked me to trek back home.

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