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"Hey do you mind if the guys come over to drink tonight?" Luke asks, locking his phone as we exit my car and head into the little bar I work at. It wasn't a super fancy bar or anything but I had fun coworkers and we're rated five stars. Of course they weren't paying me as much as I was making when I was working at the clinic but it was more than enough to pay my bills and still have extra money to spend, plus I picked up some really cool tricks and I love that I can actually bring my friends here.

"If they want to come it's fine, just keep them in check because last time Mike almost got me drunk on the job and Joey had to cover for me while I sobered up" I reply, cracking a smile as I remember the last time the guys came over to get drunk at my job. It was a Monday so it was pretty empty and Joey and I were working night shift from 8:00pm to 2:00am because our other coworker Kat was out sick and Joey stuck around to help instead of leaving me to serve drinks alone all night. There was only three of us at the time because our bar isn't very big so there's no need for a ton of workers; however, now we have another guy named Evan who I'm pretty sure has a thing for Kat and makes the best burgers.

Anyways, the guys had come over to get drunk and because I was in a somewhat good mood, Mike convinced me to have a few drinks which led to more drinks and me being almost drunk off my ass. Luckily Joeys uncle owns the bar and is quite lenient with us because even though were young and sometimes stupid, we manage to keep this place busy and maintain our five star rating.

"Yes ma'am" he holds the door open for me before following me into my workplace. Even through the back hallway, I can hear the loud music that I'm sure Joey is in control of at the moment, along with the laughter and loud chattering of people. Working here has really helped me with my anxiety and I think that's the main reason I like it here, of course I still get very anxious sometimes but it's gotten a little easier and now my main problem is not being able to contain my anger when someone so much as stares at me the wrong way. Luckily for me, well them I guess, Luke is usually there to calm me down.

"Hello Aislin" Joey grins once he sees me make my way behind the counter "looking hot as usual" he winks playfully "What about me dude?" Luke takes a seat on one of the bar stools "am I not beautiful enough for a compliment or what?"

"You're gorgeous man" he jokes "I'm still waiting for you to ask me to dinner mister rockstar, I'm thinking maybe Mexican? Or Chinese. I can't really make up my mind"

"Ill have to check my schedule, don't want Cal to find out I'm cheating on him" Luke plays along "you guys are fucking stupid" I roll my eyes and slip on a pair of black rubber gloves which makes Joey laugh "you know you don't have to wear those right?"

"Yes Joey, but I choose to wear them because I don't like people seeing the bruises on my knuckles" I reply "and you better not even start making fun of me because I'm the only one who wears a size small in these things, I swear to god I'll fucking kick you in your balls" I warn him before he starts to tease me again, he and Evan always tease me for being the only one who works here that wears a size small in gloves and because I'm the shortest out of the four of us, Kat being 5'4, Joey 6'0 and Evan 6'1.

"It's cute, you're so small but so mean"

"He's right love" Luke agrees, pointing to my outfit "you're a little badass, you've got your black tank, ripped jeans and doc martens, you're just a little bal-"

"Finish that sentence and I'll have Mark drag you out Luke" I threaten, referring to the bouncer "you know I will" I really won't and we both know it.

"You won't" he challenges me "the most you'll do to me is torture me with no sex and we both know you can't last long without-" I cut him off with a glare "stop talking or I really will stop sleeping with you, as high as my sex drive is I don't think you want to test me Luke."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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