Chapter 1

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Lena's POV
Kara Danvers. She's all I can think about since the attack on L-Corp by Mercy. I've always had my suspicions, with her running off and Supergirl swooping in to save the day. The fact that I was on the phone with Kara when I was pushed off the balcony and Supergirl caught me, telling me that she was with Kara having 'coffee' is so not coincidental. When Kara came to visit me to interview me, without Mr Kent, and she said she 'flew here... on a bus' was...odd. When Mercy invaded L-Corp, so many strange things occurred. Like how all the bullets fired at Kara when she was falling behind had completely missed, which I highly doubt considering that nobody would hire men that couldn't fire a gun properly or on target. And how the one door that doesn't close properly is right next to Kara and she blames it on a 'glitch'. Let's not forget how she sneezed IN FRONT of the gunmen, who then, for 'unknown' reasons, stopped chasing and firing at us, and Kara said she forgot to take her allergy medicine. In the time that I've known her, she has NEVER mentioned anything about allergies. What would she even be allergic to in L-Corp? And the one that really gave it away was when someone, I'm assuming Alex Danvers, said 'Supergirl', and Kara took her phone out of her pocket and said that Supergirl isn't here only 'Kara and Lena and Eve', clearly putting emphasis on our names in order to tell Alex not to talk about Supergirl business, as there are two people with her that don't know who she is. I mean come on! I'm not only one of the smartest women in the world (not to brag), but I'm also her best friend.
She must think I'm an idiot.
I can't believe she would lie to me. But at the same time I can. I am a Luthor after all. Everyone knows you can't trust a Luthor with anything, especially a super's secret identity. Despite this, I did begin to worry. I know that supers are invincible but they do have a weakness. If someone were to get ahold of kryptonite, Kara could die. So I stared working on something in secret, just to make sure that if anything were to happen, then I could give Kara this suit, which protects her from kryptonite.
Good thing I decided to make it.
Mercy released kryptonite into the atmosphere and Alex called me to help as Supergirl was dying. I grabbed the suit and got there as quick as I could. It worked. Thank god.
The time that Supergirl was in the suit, Kara didn't show up for work, James told me she was ill. I'm sure she was...
James is another problem. I think he likes me. Which I don't understand considering when I first arrived at National City to take over L-Corp, he refused to even acknowledge the fact that I exist, because of what my brother did to his best friend Superman. Even after a year he still resented me. Men are so annoying. I used to think I was straight... how wrong was I. To be honest, when I first met Kara, I fell for her a little. She is just so cute and adorable and like a little cinnamon roll. But I don't think she is gay. She was with James and she had Mike or Mon-El or whatever his name was, and she never looks at women the way I know I definitely do. The way Alex does as well. But then again, I never really pay attention to where she looks and how she looks at people. I do pay attention to those eyes though.
Those gorgeous blue eyes that are so deep I could drown in them if I stared too long. I know. Cliché. But her hair is so soft and I want to run my fingers through it. I want her strong muscular arms to wrap around me, squeezing me slightly in comfort. I want her soft lips to touch every inch of my body...
Ok, so maybe I still have slight feelings for her...
But that doesn't matter because she sees me as a best friend and that's it.
And she lied to me throughout our whole friendship.
I need to tell her I know.
But how?
A/N It gets better and the chapters are longer after this one. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, a new one will be published every other day. I hope that it was a good enough start that you will continue reading! 😊

P.S I am British and there may be some words that are the British slang not American like sofa instead of couch and wardrobe instead of closet and stuff like that.

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