Chapter 7

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Kara's POV
It's been 2 days since I woke up and Lena hasn't come to see me. Great. I don't know if I should go and see her. I feel like if I do, then she'll either kick me out or tell me she never wants to see me again. Or both.

I'm interrupted by Alex walking in.
"Are you happy to go back to work?"
I nod once and fiddle with my fingers in my lap. Alex sighs.
"I know that Lena not coming to see you has upset you but you have to see it from her perspective. She's hurting because her best friend lied to her and she can let it out now that you know she knows. You'll make up eventually. It's not like Lena's going to go batshit crazy on you or anything."
I giggle at that slightly.
"Yeah I know. I just miss her."
Alex smirks at me.
"You miss her because you like her."
I roll my eyes.
"I just want my best friend back for now. I don't want to get her back then scare her off by declaring my feelings for her."
"She wouldn't run off. She has feelings for you too. Strong ones."
I smile at her words. Winn runs into the room.
"Winn? What's wrong?" I get up and frown.
"It's Agent Liberty. He's rounded up some aliens and it doesn't look good."

I rip off my clothes as I take off into the sky, feeling the wind on my face as I sigh contently, not realising how much I missed this feeling.
"Supergirl, can you hear me?"
Alex's voice suddenly comes through on the ear piece.
"Loud and clear."
"He's outside CatCo."
I instantly go towards my workplace, rage building as I think of the possible outcomes that could lead to it being destroyed.

I land at the back of the crowd, listening to him to know what he is doing.
"As you can see, I have captured some of the roaches that litter the city. I know what your thinking, 'they look human.' They may look it, but they are definitely not from our planet." He then destroys the disguising tech, showing their true form.
"This is what roams your streets. This is what talks to your children. This is what will take over our planet."

I watch intently, my jaw and fists clenched in anger.
"You're also probably wondering why I brought them outside CatCo. I wanted them to get the exclusive of what me and the Children of Liberty do to roaches like these."
I spot the people with cameras, taking pictures and recording him.

What happens next makes my blood boil. He throws the alien he was holding down on the ground, then the other people wearing the same mask as him surround him, ready to beat him up.
Everyone turns to look at me as I float over to to front, landing in front of the 'Children of Liberty'.
"This is wrong. Why are you doing this?"

I feel a hand on my arm, tugging so I turn. It's Agent Liberty.
"We are doing this for America. This is our country. Our planet. They should not be here."
I frown at him, shaking my head.
"No. You're wrong. They should be here. They are refugees and survivors of war. They came here looking for a home. Earth is a home. I know. I've been here most of my life. Helping them makes us stronger as a country and as a race."
He snickers.
"How does letting roaches make us stronger?"
"Because it shows that we can help those in need, no matter who they are or where they're from. Violence is never the answer."
He shakes his head.
"They are criminals."
"Not all of them. Only some. But it's the same with the human race. People steal, lie, cheat and kill. We let our justice system handle them. We should let our justice system handle people from other planets too."

The crowd murmurs as if agreeing with me.
"Supergirl's right!"
"Leave them alone!"
"They don't deserve to be beaten!"
"They just want somewhere they feel safe!"
The crowd continues and Agent Liberty starts getting angry.
"You're all wrong! Roaches should be exterminated!" He tries and fails to get through to the crowd.
I smile and turn to him.
"You see? You just need to believe in yourselves as humans and believe that we can all get along no matter where we're from."
Agent Liberty then turns away, mutters something to his comrades, then they all storm away.

The crowd aruppts in applause and I help up the alien and break his chains that were around his wrists.
"Thank you Supergirl."
I smile at him.
"It's no problem. Us aliens have to stick together."
He smiles gratefully and looks into the crowd. His eyes light up as they meet someone else's. He runs off the stage through the crowd and I see him hug and kiss, I assume, his boyfriend/husband.
My attention is diverted to the reporters in front of me.
"Supergirl can I ask you some questions?"
"Supergirl what are your thoughts on Agent Liberty?"
"How did you know that speech was going to turn the crowd against him?"
Before I reply to any of their questions, I hear Alex in my ear piece.
"Nicely done Supergirl. You can come back now."
I smile at the reporters.
"Another time."
I fly away and towards the DEO.
Lena's POV
I roll my eyes as I watch 'Supergirl' fly away from the reporters.
I wonder what would happen if they all knew who she really was? They'd probably release it to the world and everyone who wanted Supergirl dead would go after her friends and family.
What am I doing! Stop thinking like that!
I shake my head as I go back to work.

A few minutes later my door opens. I look up and see Jess.
She pauses.
"Kara is here to see you."
I sigh. "I said not to let her in, so don't let her in."
"I've been telling her that for the past ten minutes but she won't leave."
I'm about to tell her to call security but we all know they won't be able to do anything to her. I groan.
"Just... just let her in."
Jess nods and walk out. A few seconds later my door bursts open, almost getting ripped off its hinges.
"Kara Danvers. Or do you prefer Supergirl? Perhaps Kara Zor-El?"
She vaulters and fiddles with her glasses.
"Lena, I'm so sor-"
"I don't want your apologies. The only reason I let you in was to tell you that if you don't leave, I will have to use force."
She chuckles.
"I think we both know your security guards won't be able to do anything."
When I don't smile, hers falls.
"I wasn't talking about my security guards."
She frowns in thought, then her eyes widen in shock as realisation hits her.
"Are you threatening to use Kryptonite?"
I don't respond. I hear her scoff.
"How could you threaten something like that?"
"I guess we were both wrong about each other. I thought you trusted me. You thought I was a good person."
"Lena. You are a good per-"
"Don't tell me who I am. I know who I am. I just don't know who you are."
She goes to speak.
She blinks but doesn't move.
"Get out, Kara."
Again she doesn't move.
I stand up out of my seat and lean on the desk.
"Don't make me use force."
She looks me in the eye and I see... fear. It hurts but I don't let it show. I smirk and raise my eyebrow, daring her to defy me. She does not. Her eyes show her hurt and disbelief. When I don't move or say anything, she turns and leaves.

I release a breath I didn't realise I was holding and collapse back into my chair. I grab my drink and take a big sip, loving the feeling of it burning my throat. I sigh contently.
That felt... good. It felt good to hurt Kara the way she hurt me. She deserves it.
But she's my best friend. I care about her. I love her.
Not anymore. She's been hurting me since we met. It hurts so much and it's all just waiting to burst out of me. The anger had been building since my first suspicions. The sadness just makes me more angry. I want her to feel the pain I felt when I realised that she couldn't trust me because of who I am. I want her to hurt. And I will enjoy seeing her destroyed.

Because I hate her.
A/N The next two chapters are going to be more about Nia and Brainy and Alex and Kelly because I haven't put them in much. Sorry if you don't like that but there will also be important things to know about Kara and Lena in there as well so I do recommend reading them even if you only came here for Supercorp 😂

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