the plan

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Rainbow got home and suddenly got a text from twilight, "can you come to my house I want to show you someone."

Rainbow walked over to twilight's house and knocked, someone new answered the door rainbow didn't recognize her and said, "hi I'm here for twilight."

The new person yelled, "TWILIGHT! YOU GOT A VISITOR!"

Twilight walked over and said, "thank you Prisma."

Rainbow noticed Prisma had rainbow earring, rainbow said, "nice rainbow earrings."

Prisma said, "thank you, why are you rainbow?"

Rainbow dash scratched her head and said, "I'm not sure, I guess it just because of how awesome I am."

Prisma thought to herself, "did I have plains...that's right!"

Prisma walked over and dumped cookies and milk in a backpack and said, "I'm ready!"

Rainbow walked noticed Prisma is a little smaller then her and said, "hay can I ask you to do something Prisma?"

Prisma quickly shook her head,

Rainbow said, "I need you to disguise as me and go to the daring dew book signing."

rainbow went to the wander bolt race but ran into the doctor on the way, he asked, "have you seen Prisma?"

Rainbow said quickly, "ya she went to the daring dew book signing."

At the book signing fluttershy saw Prisma said, "hi fluttershy how are you?"

Fluttershy hugged Prisma and said, "hay dashie how are you?"

Prisma said, "did you know twilight has a new assistant named Prisma?"

Fluttershy when to say something nut noticed the backpack full of cookies and milk fluttershy then asked, "who is Prisma also why do you have so many cookies?"

Prisma said, "Prisma is twilight's new assistant and she loves everything!"

Fluttershy hugged Prisma and said, "um...dashie their is a wander bolts race going on maybe we can go after the book signing, we can catch the last five minutes."

Prisma said quickly, "no! Um...I know how much you like A.K merlin."

Fluttershy looked at rainbow confused and said, "it's daring dew."

Prisma said quickly, "ya whatever."

Suddenly derpy walked over and accidentally bumped into Prisma reveling her earrings, fluttershy didn't noticed and Prisma covered them up again. Prisma saw the doctor walk over and said, "Prisma what the hell are you doing here?!"

Fluttershy said confused, "um...that is dashie."

Prisma yelled, "has anyone else noticed I changed my name to Prisma dash?"

The doctor asked, "what are you talking about Prisma when did you change your name?"

Prisma laughed and said, "when my fanfic started."

Fluttershy pulled off the wig and said, "you're not my dashie, where is she?"

Prisma scratched her head and said, "she died rainbow is dead."

Fluttershy fainted and Prisma said, "she went to the wander bolt race I'll take you to her."

Prisma, the doctor and fluttershy went to the race, fluttershy went over to rainbow and said angry, "how could you!?"

Rainbow stood up and apologized, "I'm sorry flutters it's just..."

Fluttershy pushed rainbow and said angry, "you know, I should brake up with you!"

Rainbow said quickly and worried, "please don't I won't let..."

Before she could finish sorain said, "wait does this mean you didn't tell them?"

Everyone asked, "what do you mean?"

Sorain sighed and said, "I mean this is the wonder bolt race that all future wonder bolts must go to!"

Rainbow and fluttershy laughed and sorain continued, "the race was moved to tomorrow!"

Rainbow and fluttershy left the Stadium, rainbow said to herself, "wait the race wasn't moved that is impossible."

Fluttershy said softly , "dashie I'm going home now."

Rainbow said quickly, "I'm sorry..."

Fluttershy kissed rainbow and said, "I can never be angry with you."

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