Chapter 3

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* third person pov *
* the underworld, a forest located in the phenex territory *

In a forest, some rustling could be heard from the plants and leaves hitting something or someone, but what's the causing of it?

Running through the woods was a small child, the child was a boy of 14 years old, had dark blond hair near brown with the bangs swept to the right, dark green eyes quickly looking left and right with sweat flowing down the forehead.

Behind the boy was a monster the size of an adult with the lower body of a Hoars and upper is a disfigured human-like body missing its head, down at stomach was a massive open mouth lined with sharp teeth ready to tear, reap and consume.
its long nails dig into the ground, leaving the marks behind as it chases after its prey.

'Damn that big brother of mine if it wasn't for him than I would be at home playing with ravel, but my stupid big brother just had to ask Mom and Dad to explore an unknown forest in our territory and bring me with them and his peerage and that stupid father of ours agreed, just like when he agreed to make me the future second knight to rias gremory and I was like nope. then this stay devil just attacked us from out of nowhere and started chasing me' This boy's name is Simon Phenex, the younger brother of riser phenex and the big brother of ravel phenex.

As he runs from the abomination, Simon trips on a log giving the stray devil the advantage, opening its massive maw showing the sharp teeth within ready to consume a phenex.

The stray pounces but missed when Simon rolled to the left, the monster tried to use its claws just to stop the same log that tripped the little phenex seeing this as a chance the blonde ran with all his strength.

He ran, ran and ran, but like most things the fatigue got him, as Simon tries to recover his breath, he hears the stomping of hooves hitting the ground, quickly finding a place to hide away from the path the stray was taking, clamping his mouth with both his hands holding his breath.

As he waits for the stray to walk past he waits a couple of more minutes, Simon sighed in relief but the stray devil heard it, the stay makes a quick turn slashing the tree with its nails.

The blonde tries to jump away before the long fingernails could get him but Barely made it as slash marks appear on his back while his blood sprays everywhere as he screams in pain, the attack sends him flying through the forest.

Simon hits the ground, picking himself from the ground groaning from the pain while also trying to clear of the distortion in his eyes and the loud ringing noise in his head.

The eyes regained their focus he saw something that made him go wide-eyed, a couple of meters ways stood a great sword buried in the grassless earth surrounded by crimson chains binding it to the ground, its one-meter long handle in all black with some silver here and there, a silver hourglass hilt that has a cone-like pommel, the hilt is a thick crescent shape adorned by a crimson gem embedded in the middle surrounded it were silver markings.

Its long double sided blade was the color of black is a meter in length while the edges are silver but the aura it radiated was beautiful in way, for the stray hover felt pure, uncontrolled demonic power, it felt like thousands amount of weight was added onto its body, the pressure radiating from it was so great that the stray died in a poodle of its own blood.

Simon looked at the sword in fascination and awe, the silver metal shining in the sunlight while the red gem glows in the shadow, he reaches for it.
as his finger close around the handle, he screams as demonic energy enters his body then black tattoo-like marks started to appear all over his body spreading demonic energy into the whole atmosphere.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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