The Student Six will be celebrating their first "School of Friendship Anniversary" but something doesn't go well tommorow...
Link to the picture :
(Sorry if its been a long time i have been dead but here it is!)
Silverstream and Sandbar arrived at his dorm but it was locked.
"Gallus,please open the door..."said Sandbar.
They all kept quit for a while.Gallus told to mind their own bussines but they both disagreed.
"Gallus! Please let us in,we just want a little conversation!"shouted Gallus.
Gallus finally let them in his dorm.When they both walked in,it was pitch black yet they can't find Gallus.They opened the lights on and saw Gallus above them.
"Now why did you came here?"asked Gallus.
"Youcameinherelikeawildgriffonsweworryaboutso-"said Silverstream that Sandbar had to cut her line.(Good luck reading that)
"Why were here is because i want to say that i'm sorry"nervously said Sandbar.
Gallus and Silverstream were both confused when he said that.
"Why?"asked Gallus.
"Because the real reason why i called to come with me at the library is that i knew Silverstream was over there and i thougth you would confess to her...?"said Sandbar.
"What!?I'm so going to-"
"Why didn't you said so?"
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(Just pretend their in their creature form cause i can't do that)
Gallus was suprised when Silverstream jumped and hugged him meanwhile Sandbar was just 'observing'.Silverstream even wanted to ask Gallus to go with her before the situation even happened.Gallus was so happy at that time.
"Sooo,i guess this solves the case.I'm just gonna go tell the others about"smirked Sandbar.
(Sorry if this was too short,i'm at Johor Bahru amd its also the school holidays)