A murderer at the school!?

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As they both saw it,Smolder went to find their proffesors while Gallus looks out for the body.

*Who could have done this?* thought Gallus.

In the other hand,Twilight and her friends were just enjoying the party.Suddenly,Smolder came bursting in the fun and told her what happened.After they all heard the incident,Twilight and her friends went to Ocellus's dorm.They all went and saw Gallus with her body.They bought the body to the ER (emergency room).After that,Gallus and Smolder went to their friends and explained whay happened.They all felt sad hearing it.

"Will Ocellus be okay?" asked Yona.

"I hope she is." sighed Smolder.

"Don't worry,everything will be fine!Plus Headmare Twilight also said that she will investigate what happened to her" said Silivertream while trying to cheer up her friends.

"Speaking of it,why was she dead?" asked Sandbar curiously.

"Look,why don't we just enjoy our time instead of figuring out why Ocellus was dead.I mean,our proffessers will do it right?" said Gallus.

"Right..." said Silverstream.

Gallus was worried for Silverstream as she looked deppressed.Gallus told her that everything going to be alright.Silverstream felt happy a little.Thus,the student six enjoyed the party.Meanwhile,Twilight began investgating in Ocellus's dorm as that was the place she died.Twilight couldn't find any evidince in her dorm but then she noticed something.She saw a piece of paper under Ocellus's bed.It was...

*A killing list!Of the student six?!* thought of Twilight

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*A killing list!Of the student six?!* thought of Twilight.She saw the list and it was full of blood.Ocellus's name was crossed and yet Smolder was next.Twilight went to her students and told them to follow her for a while.A few minutes later,the student six arrived at Twilight's office.Twilight secretly told them that there being target by someone or something.She also told to look an eye on each other,that way they won't get lost or kiled by the murderer.They were all scared but they knew thay had to listen to their headmare after Ocellus died.They all went out together meanwhile Twilight was asking herself.

"Who's the killer?..."

And why the student six...

Well,its up to the student six or student five for now to be careful of their surrounding and their enemy.

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