Puzzle Pieces

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Sango sat thoughtfully on the grass, wistfully looking over the vast rice fields while Shippo and Kirara played to her right. It had been four days since Kagome and Sesshomaru disappeared in the Bone Eater's Well, and Inuyasha had never stopped trying to get through it, going as far as wearing the subjugation beads himself even though Kaede had confirmed that the spell was already lifted off. With the hanyou totally cut off from the future, they had no way of knowing whether Kagome was safe and healed of her wounds.

"My beloved Sango, you look deep in thought. What bothers you so?" Miroku approached her spot, his staff tinkling as he put it down and sat beside her.

"I'm just wondering if Kagome's all right with Sesshomaru on the other side of the well," she responded, secretly pleased to be in the monk's presence.

"Ah, I wouldn't worry about it. We both know that something is going on between Kagome and Sesshomaru, and that our dear friend might not even be aware of it."

Sango contemplated about it for a moment, her brows knitted together. "I've been trying to remember my father's lessons about the inu-youkai, especially about their mating rituals." Miroku looked at her with raised eyebrows and she blushed, realizing that he might be the wrong person to talk to about the matter, given his amorous reaction to everything. She cleared her throat and continued. "Certain clans follow the traditional ritual of marking their intended mates through consummation, but royal lineages like Sesshomaru honor a much more profound ceremony."

"I have heard of such sacraments," the monk replied. "There are stages leading to the consummation, am I correct?"

The taijiya blushed again, but nodded affirmatively. "The inu-youkai male from the noble clan who wishes to take a mate is required to prove that he can provide all things needed for a pack's survival—food, shelter, protection. He must hunt and present his kill to her. The bigger the game, the more it impresses the inu-youkai female. He must also provide a home for his potential mate to show that he is capable of security and comfort. Lastly, the inu-youkai male must take it upon himself to protect the female from every danger—disease, enemies, and challengers to his claim."

Miroku frowned thoughtfully. "Are you saying that Sesshomaru intends to take Kagome as his mate?"

Sango turned to him, eyes sparkling. "Think about it: he's already done two of the three primary steps, perhaps even unaware he was doing them. How many times did Sesshomaru comfort Kagome when she got upset with Inuyasha? Do you remember when Inuyasha went off to Kikyo during Kagome's birthday and Sesshomaru spent the night with her?"

"Or that time in the cave when Inuyasha was wounded and having delusions about Kikyo," the monk added, eyes widening. "Kagome wanted to be alone and when she returned, she was with Sesshomaru."

"Exactly!" Sango exclaimed brightly. "Sesshomaru sheltered her from grief and heartache all those times. He was always there to comfort her."

"And let's not forget that time with Koga." Miroku suddenly had a lewd expression on his face, earning a death glare from the taijiya. He smirked and became more serious. "I have been observing Sesshomaru during the time he spent camping with us. His little gestures have always baffled me. It seems a little odd that a daiyoukai of his caliber would ever concern himself with humans, perhaps it's because of the human child who follows him around. But the biggest mystery is Sesshomaru's unexpected arrival to save Kagome from Naraku. He had no reason to be there at all, yet he showed up."

"What do you mean, houshi-sama?"

"Well, I've noticed that the great and powerful Western Lord has grown protective of our miko friend. It's the final piece of the puzzle, I suppose. The very prospect of Sesshomaru claiming Kagome as his mate is quite possible."

Sango covered her mouth with the hem of her kimono and giggled—something she didn't do often. "Honestly, I think they would make a great couple."

Miroku grinned. "I guess we will know once they return. In the meanwhile..."

Sango felt a shiver down her spine when the monk's hand deliberately found its way to her bottom. She tensed, her cheeks tainting crimson red as he began to stroke it gently. She clenched her hands into fists, her face turning into an angry grimace. Then, summoning her strength borne out of slaying demons for years, she smacked Miroku's face and stormed away, leaving the houshi massaging his blistering cheek, sighing without regret.

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