Tutor | D. Malfoy

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"Did you hear the way he was talking to Weasley in class today? He would not shut up!"

As Draco kept talking, I looked up from my parchment. I had written down what Draco needed to practice. With a glance I noticed that his parchment was still blank.

"And Granger thinks he's so great. Potter is just so stuck up! He thinks he's so much better than everyone else just because-"

"Y'know what?" Draco looked at me with surprise. It was almost as if he'd never been cut off before. That wouldn't surprise me. . "I think I'll just go. Good luck on your exam, Draco."

"What the hell?"

"If I knew that tutoring you would consist of nothing but listening to you complaining about Harry Potter, then I would've never agreed to it." I was getting my things together as I ranted. "I thought that maybe you could be serious and not such a prat for at least 5 minutes, but clearly you're not capable of that. You can ask Snape for a new tutor. "

I looked at his dumbfounded expression for only a second before turning to leave. I was out of the library and heading down the hall when I heard the door open and close again. Then, footsteps running to me.

"(Y/n), wait!" Draco called. I stopped walking but didn't turn to face him. I was glad there weren't any other students wandering the halls. "I'm sorry. I really am. Can we start over?"

I sighed, and looked at him over my shoulder. "Why should I give you another chance?"

He was quiet for a moment. "I- Uh- I don't know." I took another step. "Wait! I'll stop talking about Potter. I can be serious."


"I swear."

I finally turned around. He looked truly sorry. I simply nodded and walked back in the direction of the library. We got a few looks as we walked in by the few students who had seen my outburst. I lead us to a table away from anyone else and dropped my books.

Draco kept his word. He didn't talk about Potter or Granger or anyone else. He was focused. He was listening to me and doing everything right. It was like it was easy for him.

"Why do you need tutoring, Draco? You seem to know what you're doing. You have the same grades as me, if not better, in every other class."

He sighed and shrugged. "It's just not for me I guess."

"I know that's not it."

He looked up at me. I just stared back at him and scanned his features. He looked surprised again. I smiled lightly as I looked back down at the parchment.

"But I won't pry. Let's just get this done, Draco. It shouldn't take long since you've already got the hang of it."

I was right. It didn't take long. We were finished in just a matter of minutes. I packed up my things as soon as we were done.

"Thank you." I looked down at him. "I know I'm hard to deal with sometimes. Thank you for coming back and helping me."

"It's no problem, Draco." I noticed that he hadn't moved yet. "Are you staying here?"

"Uh, no. No." He seemed to snap back into life and got his stuff together. "I should get going. I have quidditch practice soon."

"Oh okay. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Yeah okay." I was a few feet away when I heard his footsteps again. His hand landed on my shoulder and spun me around. I was shocked. "Draco! What're you doing?"

"Uhh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that so fast. Um, I was just wondering if you were planning on going to the Slytherin vs Ravenclaw game this weekend."

"Uh, yeah I am."

"Okay. Good."


"Yeah. Good." He smiled and walked out past me. This time, I was the one left standing there. I smiled again.

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