The Letter to Him

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The next morning you wake up, feeling like crap from the night before. As you are pouring your coffee, an idea pops into your head, you'll write him a letter! Secretly, you loved him more than anyone else in the world. So you sit down at your computer and start writing.

"Dear Ashton Irwin,

I know it's been awhile and I know we've lost contact, but the good news is, I'm a best selling author! So I just thought I'd write you this letter to see how you've been and know that I haven't forgot about you. So how have you been? What are you doing career wise? Look I know your probably mad at me for leaving you sit in the dust and flying out straight away to New York to fire up my career, I'm extremely sorry. I feel like a terrible person, I know it's been a few years and you probably don't remember me or won't even accept my apology, but the truth is, you were my only true friend and you were like my brother and I had feelings for you and deep down in my soul I still do. I've never completely cut you out of my life, deep down, you still have a spot in my heart and I miss you very much. I hope you respond to this letter soon and we can meet again someday.

Forever and Always 💘,

Mickayla George"

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