Sehun (English) Requested !!

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This is requested by Pasqualine16

You walk into SM entertainment building and walk straight to the front desk to check in for your English lesson, a petite female peeps her head from the computer to you "Good morning miss welcome, how can I help you today?" she smiled brightly, you then responded to her with " Oh good morning thank you yes I need directions for a room to teach an English lesson" you asked her. Shortly after the lady resumed back to her computer and responded to you "the room is on the 9th floor, room number is 2012" you nodded and proceeded on to the elevator right across the glass doors.

In your mind so many things stormed through your head like 'how are the boys going to react to you?' most importantly Sehun since he is your bias, the elevator beeped once it stopped at the 9th floor then you walk out into this long and narrow hallway scanning each room to find 2012, you find the room before peeping your head you hear small talk from inside 'I guess they're already here?' you gulped air before heading inside the small room. You stood in front by the door all of a sudden you are standing in front of EXO, your heart beating a mile a minute "hello my name is Aliyah and I will be your english instructor for the time being it is very nice to meet you all" you bowed slightly still respecting them as a superior.

Each of them stared as you introduced yourself, Sehun your bias smiles warm and nice, his eyes meeting yours not piercing through you but meeting yours gracefully as if it's mean't to be you stood their waiting for their turn to introduce themselves they all stood up in unison introducing themselves to you one by one and finally the last one was Sehun he never lost eye contact with you, now it was starting to feel a little uncomfortable like if he wanted to tear every piece of clothing you had on.

"Let's begin our lesson" you turn around facing the white board grabbing the black dry erase marker, you felt his eyes raping you from behind you had rethought your outfit today thinking your skirt was to short or your shirt made your chest a little more busty, you went with it and tried to tease him anyway by walking slowly around the desks each clack of your heels made him gulp. "Sehun answer me this question" you asked him in English he sat up straight as a soldier and was ready for anything you asked him "What do you say to someone whom you care about and cherish?" all eyes where on both of you, he never lost eye contact though he responded with "I love you" you smirked "that is correct good job Sehun" you gave a little round of applause for him.

About an hour or so later the lesson is about to end but you felt you need to tease Sehun more, "Sehun I would like to tutor you after this lesson" you said in English, Sehun proceeded to nod his head meaning he understood what you said yet not hundred percent.

While each member was leaving the door shut close and you be-lined to lock the door after the last person left, you then turned around your back covering the glass window on the door you noticed a black cloth it was attached on the top of the glass it was a cover to hide the inside of the room, you roll it down and flicked off one of the lights, you fixed your eyes back to Sehun he suddenly tells you "teach me more" with a bite of his lips at the end of his sentence, you slowly approached him gliding your hands slowly on his chest, Sehun then wrapped his hand over your butt squishing it in his hand playfully. "You are a very naughty student I think this tutoring needs to be extended" Sehun smirked and bites his tongue "I think it does too." He says in Korean playfully.


P.S. guys if you go through anything like a sexual harassment in school or anything from a teacher or another student harassing you, speak up please today I found out devastating news about my school and a teacher it was devastating to know someone's life is basically over because of in the moment situations but seriously speak up and tell the TRUTH! do not feel ashamed you are not alone please we are here for you!

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