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"THANK YOU CHICAGO, AS ALWAYS YOU'VE BEEN GREAT" He scream into the mic raising a hand in the air. The rest of the boys say their good byes and scurry off back stage, sweaty and famished.

"Aye lads you wanna catch a bite to eat? I'm starving." Niall pants rubbing his stomach. They all look at him nodding as Harry takes a sip of his water shaking his head as his hair flops about. "I'll meet you guys later, I had other things in mind." He smirk with a small glint on his eye.

"Harry please don't get your self in trouble, management has had it up to here with you, we don't need another media scandal" Liam exasperates looking worried. "Will you calm down Liam, I'm a big boy I can handle a little media story" He roll his bright green eyes walking to a dressing room labeled "Harry Styles."

He kicks open the door leaving a boot mark on the front as it slams shut. Quickly disrobing he fling off his head band into his suitcase and goes to the bathroom preparing for a shower.

Once finished, he walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Picking a green floral button down shirt and black skinnies from a small rack in the corner, He dresses quickly combing his long hair and styling it with another head band. Harry smirks in the mirror ready for a night on the town.


Cruising in his black Range Rover Harry hums the crappy pop music blaring from his speakers not really caring for it as he rolls up into the closest night club. He climbs out the vehicle gracefully slamming the door shut and locking it from the key. He stroll to the front ignoring the long line of people waiting to get in and flashes the bouncers his ID.

Harry grins he loved being a VIP, just as much as girls. Of course he isn't legally allowed to drink but no one has ever dared to stop him he thought as he strolls to the bar. Harry observes

his surroundings grinning at all the women in tight short dresses dancing like wild. The opportunity tonight was eating his brain as he sits at bar stool. He orders a screw driver plopping down a twenty and looking back at the crowd dancing to some electronic song he didn't recognize but was very lively.

Not to soon later A girl with long blonde hair sits next to him smiling.

"Hi, I'm Paige" she says reaching out her hand. Harry smirks as he grab a her tiny hand and kisses it. "And I'm Harry, Harry Styles." he says smoothly calling to order another of what he's having for his lady friend. He hungrily watches Paige as she look off as the crowd he thin body looked amazing in her tiny black dress.

Paige looks back blushing, he loved when they're innocent he smirks at the thought. Watching as her eyes linger at his chest in his loosely buttoned shirt. They make small talk of his tattoos but he's certainly wasn't interested in talking.

The bartender slides them their drinks and he catches them tilting his head back and letting the drink burn his throat. Paige shyly does the same and soon, both lose track of a very blurry drunken night.

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