Deep Shit

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Harry wakes up in his hotel room groaning as he feels his bed shuffling. He starts dozing again as a muffled "shit" is heard and more shuffling, He hears a girly sigh, and groans again agitated that someone is disrupting his hangover induced sleep the shuffling stops for a moment then softly continues. Harry opens his eyes to see a tiny blonde scurry to the door and slam it shut leaving in a haste.

He sits up quickly trying to remember what happened last night but it's all fuzzy. He looks down noticing he's naked and grins laying back down and chuckling. Harry rolls over on his stomach and fidgets as something gets caught on his foot. He looks under the covers noticing a dainty pair of lacy black panties and hangs them on the bed post like a flag. Not to soon after he's tumbling to sleep again.


BANG BANG, Harry jumps woken for the second time again. BANG BANG BANG, it continues and 4 very obnoxious voices yell "HARRY WAKE UP!"

He groans putting a pillow over his head as the banging gets louder not helping his pounding head ache at all. He gets up grabbing a random pair of sweats thankful the banging has stopped. He opens the door to see the lady in the room next to him is scolding his four band mates.

The lady finally returns to her room after a long lecture of peace and quiet, she glares at Harry as well, and the boys pile in Harry's room.

"Mate your in deep shit" Louis says seriously pulling out his iphone.

"Harry I warned you" Liam joins in shaking his head. Harry glares at Liam looking over to louis' phone, he sees a picture of him outside the hotel dragging a very drunken blonde girl inside.

Next to another one of the same girl leaving In a haste this morning in last nights dress and disheveled hair. It's a long article labeled 'Harry's Big One Night Stand.'

He groans "Why is the media so concerned about everything we do" he grunts annoyed. Zayn sits quietly with Niall at the table in his room.

" Harry you need to clean up your act this falls back on us too." Zayn says annoyed.

Harry laughs "like your act is so much better then mine Zayn, at least I didn't get caught smoking illegal drugs, or getting engaged at the age of 19." Harry booms aggravated. The rest of the boys sit shocked, as Zayn's face reddens.

"Enough Harry I've had it up to here with you ruining our reputation, and leave Perrie out of this you know how I feel about her. You either clean up your act or I'm leaving the band." Zayn shouts standing up and leaving Harry's room slamming the door behind him.

Niall stands from his chair walking to the door, "not cool mate." he says leaving quietly. Harry grunts looking to Liam and Louis and walking to the closet. He scans for an outfit as Liam and Louis Stand.

"We have a Meet & Greet in 3 hours be ready in 2" Louis says and they both leave. Harry pulls out a black jumper and jeans and bring them into the bathroom, ready to flush his anger down the shower drain.


The ride to the Meet & Greet is quiet as they all stare at eachother. The tension between Harry and Zayn is just as thick as this morning, leaving the other boys to sit there quietly not wanting to start another argument. The ride is short lived as they arrive to the stadium.

Once inside Harry and Zayn stand on opposite sides of he group and ignore their fight to greet happy fans.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2014 ⏰

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