chapter 5

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Walking in I can hear dark questioning and torturing Mark in one of the rooms. Me and Wilford enter the room and went up to mark.

(mark) " I don't understand y/n why are you doing this why are you helping him."

(y/n) " you really don't recognize us do you does the name Damien ring a bell or William how about abe or better yet Celine."

(mark) " Damien, William, C... Celine no it can't be the party that night, no you all were gone or supposed to be."

(y/n) " now you recognize use don't you mark you remember what you did to me to all of us you're lucky I don't kill you right here and now."

Dark looked at me and smiled but I just looked away.

(mark) " I get it I did a bad thing to all of you but why do you need me."

(dark) " we wanted to know what your little plan is now that you have my body."

(mark) " I have no plans I just wanted revenge on William for stealing Celine from me that's all I promised can we just go back to friends."

(dark) " you really think we can go back to being friends after all of this I lost someone I loved because of you, if you had just left me and y/n out of this maybe she would still love me."

I didn't know what to say I still loved him I just was upset at him and how could mark think we still want to be friends.

(y/n) " I feel like you're lying Mark you half to have more up your sleeve if you stole Damien's body."

(mark) " but I don't I just want to still live but still ruin Williams life."

(y/n) " I'm not buying it one bit."

Mark seemed upset by this and began to struggle against his restraints. Dark immediately grabbed him making him still.

(mark) " I don't have any plans just let me go."

(y/n) " no we shall lock you up in here till we get something out of you till then I hope you enjoy staying here."

We then left the room as Mark cursed and screamed at us to let him go. I ignored him and sat on the couch to think about things.

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