Chapter 4: What a Catrasphobe!!!!

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Hi Queenies. This chapter was the cutest thing I've ever written and I hope you enjoy. Get ready to hold on the edge of your seat cause it only gets more suspenseful from here. Please comment AND vote. Your comments are the highlight of my day. Anyways, enough talk. Let's go and see what Freddie has in store for Gabby!!!
Gabby 💚

Gabby's POV
Brian had to leave for London. I was sad for we felt a close bond. I loved him, and he loved me back. He's my best friend and I absolutely could not be more thankful.

Brian didn't care that I wasn't a rock star like him. Or that I wasn't an astrophysicist. All that matter was me being happy and even the littlest thing Brian did, like sending a heart in a text or just being there for me when I'm upset, that was enough.

I thought maybe with Brian gone I would have time for myself. No more ghost hauntings.

I was finishing up my math homework and then decided, I already studied for an hour. I could use a break. I decided to play the piano in my music room.

Only to see TWO things: Freddie Mercury on the piano bench AND a baby cat!!!!!! ON TOP ON THE PIANO!!!!!

"Hello darling. Did you really think even when Brian left I would too?"

"Frankly, yes. God this is absolutely ANNOYING!!!! Can't you haunt somebody else?"

"I can't. Not after I found this little baby stray in your trash can looking for food. She reminds me of my cat Delilah"

 She reminds me of my cat Delilah"

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"Freddie I am NOT a cat person. I HATE cats!!!!"
"Funny, I don't remember you ever saying that when we were together"

Together? What was he talking about? I honestly couldn't take it anymore so I just decided to do the only thing I felt like doing.


Meanwhile all the kitten did was chew its tail. I tried not to smiled but I smiled.


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"Damnit. Stop chewing your tail. It's adorable"

"You do realize the cat is a girl, right darling?"

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