I woke up In a pile of tears. Eyes are red. I can barely breathe. I just can't believe it. I've been in the same class for eight years now I'm transferred in a new class with new and old people. God only knows how I feel right now. I miss my old class. Where my friends are. I miss taylor and reez. Too bad they're not with me. I get up from bed and stare at the mirror. I always repeat the exact same sentence "I'm fine". Which is completely not true. I started brushing my teeth and putting some makeup. I wore a Rolling Stones shirt and black jeans. My hair looked really messy but I didn't give a shit. I went downstairs to say hi to my mom. She gave me a kiss on the head and said you'll be ok Sam don't worry. I ate my favorite lucky charms. After that I headed outside and waited for the bus. I waited and waited. And finally the bus arrived! I saw the exact same people jerks,jocks,bitches, and brainiacs. I sat with the brainiacs. I kept looking around until I saw a very attractive brainiac. Hello miss! Are you ok! I woke up from my daydream. He introduced himself. I'm Harry styles. So what's your name? OHHHH sorry I was distracted by something I'm Samantha aka sam Montgomery. He said nice to meet you Sam. Harry and I kept talking and talking. Turns out he loves to sing too. Harry gets bullied by the jocks. Poor Harry I feel sorry for him underneath all that nerdy clothes he's actually attractive. We arrived at school I went to class. I sat there all alone wondering where is taylor and reez. I miss them. HELLOOOO are you ok loser? Then I turned around to find my enemy Veronica Pierce. I HATE HER. I can't believe she's with me in this new class. I miss Rosalie "rose". She was one of my closest friends now she transferred to a new school. I miss her so much she's one of the best people I've met. Everyone was seated and we all introduced ourself to our new home room teacher Miss Bella. What a nice name ! NOT! They always repeat the exact same shitty questions. How was your summer? How was it spent? Where did you go? They'll always say we'll have a very pleasant year together and it never does end in pleasant. As she was talking she got interrupted. One guy who looked extremely scary came in and said sorry I'm later I just didn't care. Miss Bella said no problem take a seat. He caught me starring at him and he said WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT BITCH! I overreacted I felt my head boiling with anger. What did you call me ? He repeated it again BITCH! B-I-T-C-H. I got so angry and said at least I'm not a fucking freak from the haunted house. Hate to break It to you freak but it's not Halloween yet. I hear a lot of ohhhhhhh sounds coming from the background. I hear the teacher screaming and saying Ian and Samantha stop it! He took his seat. I felt so powerful ha ha ha. Ian what shitty name for a shitty boy. Ian aka trash bag always keeps starting at me in class and I'm like wtf ! He even smirked at me. What a freak! So far I made two friends Chloe and Katy. They seem really nice we kept talking about our summer and a bunch of other stuff. Until I see Ian walking towards us and stating at me like I'm the Mona Lisa or something.
Wtf are you looking at freak?
I just love the way you say my name "freak" loving it. Says Ian
If you think your flirting plan is going in the right direction your sadly mistaken.
Wait babe, you'll see your gonna fall in love with me you'll see. He touches a strand of my hair.
Me? Fall in love with you? HHHHHHHHHHH LAUGH OUT LOUD. I don't fall in love with puke face. And don't touch my hair I don't want bad germs on my hair.
You'll see. You just wait.
And then he went.
I kept telling Chloe and Katy there's something really weird about the Ian kid and they all kept saying Oh you like him! Like? HELL NO!
In the break time I saw Reez and Taylor I kept hugging them I didn't want to let go. We chatted together for a while. I felt like i was still part of their class. Even though I'm not.
After that, my day ended.
Flashbacks of Ian playing through my mind . His stupid words are repeating again and again. YOU'LL SEE. I'll see what? Why I'm I even thinking about him ? I Should just forget about his stupid puke face.

It's you
RomanceSamantha "sam" Montgomery a sixteen year old girl who loves to play the guitar and sings. Only wants to get the attention of the guy she likes. Will she succeed or fail?