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Today had not been your day.

It's started out when you had woken up late, causing you to rush to get ready for work. Of course, when you got there, your boss had been annoyed and gave you extra work that was very unnecessary.

Following your hectic morning, you spilt coffee all over your new shirt, accidentally deleted an important file, and kept losing Wi-Fi on your laptop.

You were on your way home that night, things finally looking up a little for you, when you nearly hit a guy at the intersection.

The car stopped with a heavy jolt as you slammed on your breaks, barely bumping the guy as he ran in front of you. He looked up, then behind him, red and blue police lights reflecting off his honey colored skin.

You froze when you saw his face. You hadn't seen him in a year.

The man quickly began running again, having not recognized you apparently. You sat still and thought through what just happened until the light turned green, driving to the nearest gas station.

You filled up the tank, leaning against the side of your car for a moment to take a breath. A newspaper laying on the ground had caught your eye, the headline being about some recent gang and thug activities in the city. Sighing, you walked to the drivers side and got in, driving back to the small apartment you call home.

By now, you had started thinking through about how you saw him again.

Why was he being chased by police? And why was he in your side of town?

Kim Taehyung was back. Were the others back too then? They couldn't be. Even if they were, you had no idea where to find them.

The only one you've actually heard news of is Jimin, finding out he ended up in the hospital after trying to drown himself. If Jimin ended up trying to commit suicide, you could only imagine the fate of the other 6.


"Ah, dammit!" Taehyung mumbled to himself, that car that hit him majorly slowing him down. He kept running till he found a familiar alleyway, diving into it and pressing himself to hide against the wall.

Once the sirens had passed, Taehyung slid down the wall till he was sitting on the concrete ground. He kicked little pebbles away from his feet, making up a little game of how far he could kick each one.

Now it was a waiting game, time ticking away with each moment it took for Taehyung to be picked up. He had been doubting he'd go home at this point, it now being far past midnight.

So, he picked himself up, and went to the local convenience store and looked through the assortment of snacks and drinks.

As hungry as he was, Taehyung didn't bother to buy anything. He didn't have any money to spend.

Taehyung found himself asleep on a park bench, the glittering stars above watching over him.

I updated later than I said I would, I'm sorry lol

I woke up sick and had to run errands in the morning but its okay because I'm here now

I'll update again soon

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