Chapter 2

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"Alec, we stay at a distance you need to go for Magnus," Izzy explained pointing at Magnus, "sure," Alec said letting out a sigh, "just go for it," Izzy said pushing Alec. Alec walked through the crowd with people getting closer to Magnus who was sitting on a couch, "I am gonna regret this so hard," Alec mumbled before he walked over to some girls and guys and started dancing with them sometimes looking over at Magnus and bitting his lip so obviously that Magnus could see it. After about ten minutes the girls were more interested in the other guys but one guy was dancing more intimate with Alec so Alec took at vantage of it seeing Magnus get jealous. After a while, the guy started to notice that Alec had only eyes from Magnus, so he stopped dancing and walked away. After a while, Alec started sweating so he walked over to the bar ordering a drink. "I'm Magnus," Magnus said leaning against the bar looking over to Alec. "Alec," Alec said with a smile on his face. "wanna dance," Magnus asked, "No I am fine," Alec said grabbing a napkin, and a pen out of his jacket writing his number down. Alec pressed the napkin against Magnus his chest and pressed the drink in his hand, "call me," Alec whispered in Magnus his ear with a husky voice before Alec walked away he placed a soft kiss on Magnus his earlobe and then walked away out of the club meeting Izzy, Clary and Jace outside the club, "and," Izzy asked. "I got him wrapped around my finger," Alec said with a smirk...

"I don't care about your family drama everyone has it I want the report tomorrow," Alec said before walking to the training floor again seeing Clary wait, "again," Alec said holding his stick in the right position waiting for Clary to attack. As soon as Alec tackled Clary his phone rang, Alec grabbed his phone out of his pants pocket seeing an unknown number, "Hello," Alec said walking away from Clary, "Alexander, we met at the party..." "yeah I know, "Alec said looking at Clary who stood up and looked at Alec with a confused face, "I thought you might wanna have a drink sometime," Magnus asked over the phone, "I would love that," Alec said hoping Magnus would buy it, "when," Alec asked, "how about tonight," Magnus asked, "sure 9 at the hunters moon," Alec said before hanging up, "who was that," Clary asked, "Magnus, looks like the plan is working," Alec said with a smirk, "we can train later if you need to get ready," "yeah I have to be there in like half an hour and some people still owe me things," Alec said before walking away,

"Magnus," Alec said walking into the hunter's moon, "Alexander, I thought you wouldn't come," Magnus said, happy to see Alec, "yeah I am sorry I am late patrol took more time than usual," Alec said before ordering a beer, "wanna play," Magnus asked pointing at the pool table which was free, "why not," Alec said with a smirk on his face,


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