Chapter 11

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[Third Person-POV]


Goku said as he kicked Zamasu but he grabbed his foot throwing Goku against the ground

Vegeta:Damn it, how is it that you two have become so strong in such a short time?!

Zamasu:We are gods, gods are stronger than stupid mortals like you, you two are nothing against us, no matter how much damage you do to me, I am immortal

Goku:We'll see that, I will not let you destroy my son's future!

Vegeta:Neither the future of my daughter!!

Both ate a Senzu Bean making their energies come back

Zamasu:Tch! You two are so persistent

Black:And very annoying

Black appeared next to Zamasu, Trunks also appeared next to Vegeta and Goku

Goku:Trunks,where is (Y/N)?

Trunks:Mai had to take him out of here,he protected her from Black's attack

Vegeta:Tch bastard!

Black:Enough, all of you will suffer for the divine purification that we are going to give you

Black and Zamasu created a ball of ki in their hands and lifted it to the sky at the same time causing the two energy balls to gather creating a much larger

Zamasu/Black:It is time for mortals to be eradicated!!

They both threw the ball of energy towards Goku, Vegeta and Trunks, the three were ready to avoid the attack but they saw how a red energy ball hit the attack of Black and Zamasu causing it to be thrown into the sky

Black:What the hell just happened?

???:I'm sorry boy but you're not going to destroy anything in this place

They all saw the person who had thrown the energy ball

They all saw the person who had thrown the energy ball

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Zamasu:What?! another mortal?!?!

Android 13:Hah I am not a mortal,Green thing, I am the Android 13, one of the creations of Dra Bulma

Goku:Dra Bulma?....Wait, that means

Bulma:That's right, I reprogrammed the androids to help us against these guys

Everyone turned to Bulma which had Android 16,17 and 18 next to her

Android 16:This place, is being destroyed, the nature of the Earth has been 76% eradicated

Female Trunks and Mai X Male Saiyan ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now