~~ Story Time ~~

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Bryce looked like he'd been expecting that and he nodded.

"Once this is sorted then sure, you can scream and yell, and question me all you like. I won't hold back but this is more important right now."

L sighed and stored away her anger, sitting up further, surprised when Bryce walked over to perch on the edge of her bed. L was very aware of how close he was now and she couldn't fathom why it bothered her. He was leaning closer and his voice was barely a whisper, though L didn't have any trouble hearing it no matter how low it was.

"I know what happened in the Council cottage, Walter told me everything a little while ago. I had already been expecting half of it. Not that Sorence would be there but the things with Kreleth. There are some things you need to know about me, L. Things that I don't like talking about, makes life a bit too serio-"

But L cut him off before he could go any further, "If it's about you being the crowned Elf Prince or whatever you wanna call it then I already know, Emilia told me a while ago. Does that have something to do with why Kreleth wanted to kill you?"

Bryce looked gobsmacked, "Yes it does, I can't believe Emilia told you, usually she never talks about it..." He paused and looked at her meaningfully, as though trying to ask something without actually asking it.

"Yeah I know all about that too. Elves aren't the nicest or most honourable creatures, are they?"

Bryce smiled sadly and shook his head, "No they're not, they have flaws just like any other species, although they'd never admit it. But I swear they're not all like that and especially myself and Emilia..." he seemed like he really needed her to know that, like she didn't already. "Well back to what happened. I found out before I left that Kreleth secretly worked for the snivelling Elf who would take the throne if I was to abdicate, or be killed before I could take it.

"I couldn't prove it at the time and I asked Walter to help me, in exchange for something I knew he wanted. He agreed and that's one of the reasons he had to come with you to rescue me. Anyway, Kreleth was sent in to make sure I was killed, sooner rather than later, and me coming back on the brink of death gave him the perfect opportunity.

"He helped the Demons get in, they were the ones who were going to do his dirty work. Everyone would blame them for my death and he could go back to his master without any suspicions falling on them. I guess you coming back for me changed his plans though."

L rubbed her forehead when piles of information tried to force their way out, she felt Bryce reach a hand out to touch her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, this must be causing a landslide inside your mind. Hopefully it'll get easier after some time but there is more so please try your best to keep it contained for now."

L took a deep breath and looked up at Bryce, "Being part of this world is like a permanent story time, how much else is there?"

Bryce smirked but he didn't remove his hand, "Just a bit more, the problem is that Kreleth might not have been working alone and we don't know who else might be out there. He will be paranoid and already distrustful, so I doubt he would've asked any other species, it must be another Elf and I have a few ideas who.

"The trouble is, I'm no good cooped up in here, they know exactly where I am and I don't want them using you to get to me... it would be the best opportunity they'd get. If they can't hit now then they'll bide their time in the shadows, I can't live like that. I need to lay low for a little while in order to catch them but I won't be far... I just didn't want to go without saying goodbye this time."

L scowled and pulled back from him, "How can you go again?! Do you know how worried Emilia was? How confused I was?! You left without a word and then reached out because you were half dead, what exactly are you trying to do?"

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now