~~~ Story Time ~~~

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Suddenly there was a knock at the front door and L felt her stomach drop, she watched Mr Worcester walk off to answer it. L already knew who was there before he came through, the lack of a heartbeat yet the sound of breathing told her everything. She turned in her seat to see Walter entering the dining room.

He greeted everyone in the room individually, his usual sneer had returned but L found it much less creepy now.

"I came to see how you were, the Practitioners said you had been released and that Bryce had disappeared." He addressed L more closely and arched one of his brows just to make a point.

L half smiled at him, "I'm fine and yeah he just disappeared into the night. I have a strange feeling he knows exactly what he's doing though. Don't you?"

Walter smirked a touch and tipped his head to her, making it known he understood how much she knew.

"Yes I do, I also have a feeling he would like to know that everything here is going well. Vadim would like to speak with you in the next few hours if you are able?"

L nodded, "Everything is alright here, and I should be, where do I go?"

"There is a meeting hall near the Southern edge of the base, follow the path outside the house and you'll come to it eventually. I will take my leave of you all now."

He made to leave and L leaned forward over the arm of her chair, "Has anyone else from the other base made it here yet?"

Walter turned his head to look at her, his face expressionless. "A few, yes, but none that you would call a friend. I'm sure you will be informed immediately if and when they do."

L's brow creased, it wasn't what she wanted to hear but she acknowledged his answer, sitting properly in her seat as Walter left. She heard the front door close and her good mood left with him, she sighed and pushed her food away.

"L, dear, you still need to eat, I'm sure they're alright. They might have had to take the long way around to get here... or they may have run into some trouble along the way. They all seem to be able to handle themselves very well, I don't think there's too much to worry about."

L knew Mrs Worcester was just trying to make her feel better but everyone she was waiting on could move faster than they realised. Even if they had gone a 'long way around' or come across trouble, they should still have been there by now.

"I think I'm gonna go see Vadim now instead, I need to see what's going on. I don't like feeling out of the loop, it's my duty to know."

L surprised herself with that statement, she didn't know if it had come from her or somewhere else deep inside her brain.

Robbie stood up quickly, "I wanna come, I don't like the idea of you going alone."

He raised his brows pointedly when he said 'alone' and L smiled softly, nodding to him. "Alright yeah, I'd actually like the company."

L really meant her words, she had been going through things pretty much alone ever since Bryce had turned up in town, even he wasn't there for her half the time. There had been people and creatures around but most of them only cared whether she helped them or not. Robbie cared about her.

Mrs Worcester tried to protest but one look at the two of them, told her there was no point. L ran off to get her cloak, it looked like it might rain while they were out and she kind of liked having it on. Robbie grabbed his jacket and they headed out.

They took the path Walter had mentioned, hoping it would eventually lead to the meeting hall. Neither of them knew what the building would look like and wondered if they'd know it when they saw it. L was checking out the rest of the base while they walked, Robbie told her about all the things he wanted to do when his cast came off. L felt like she had the old Robbie back, it felt nice and when she was around him her head didn't hurt as much with information trying to push through.

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now