Beware of the Dog

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Eunji's P.O.V

The next morning came awfully quick because my mom burst through my door, screaming at me to wash dishes and to clean the house. Having no choice, I do what she tells me. I then feel sleepy for doing such hard work. I get under my covers and as I'm about to go to sleep, my mother walks in and orders me to cook. Since I got suspended, I need to do work so I get up and cook. it is now 8 pm.

Placing the food into the oven, I decide to do laundry. Without any worries, I start the washing machine and start folding the recently washed clothes. Little did I know, that the peacefulness in my house would turn into chaos in just a matter of seconds.

"EUNJI!!! What in the world is burning?!" My mother shouts, making me run back into the kitchen. I instantly turn off the oven and take out the burnt pizza. Shizz... I burnt the pizza.

"Oops," I look at my mom as she stares at me furiously. Her wrinkles on her forehead are showing, she must be really angry.

"You are so careless! You know what? No dinner for you! Go to your room now!" She commands as she points at my bedroom door. What is wrong with her? Did she loose another client? I stand there, still wondering why she's so angry. I've never seen her this angry.

"Now!" She screams, waking me from my thoughts. She turns me around by my shoulders and pushes me into my room.

"Stay in there!" She slams my door shut. I feel angry and frustrated. Did I make her this way? Is she like this because of my suspension? Maybe me leaving,, her alone for good, will make her happy?

I'm going to run away.

I grab my phone and some money I've been saving up and shove it all into my purse. 'Am I really going to do this?'I ask myself.

Since I don't want my mom noticing that I'm escaping, I open the window and start to climb out. Although I'm on the first floor, I seem to be scared of falling and hurting myself. Now, I'm already half way and ready to jump when I hear a terrifying voice boom through my room. You can already guess it was my mother.

Coming into my room she notices what I'm doing. it seems as if for split second I see love and care in her eyes, but all of that disappears when she speaks and says,

"Run away. all you do is bring shame to this family," she spits. She stares at me straight in the eye and smirks, provoking me to leave.

She leaves after slamming the door shut. Her words had hurt me. Never had she went this far in an argument. Tears sting at my eyes, my throat clogs up and all I want to do is cry. I'm not going to show the weak side of me. Not now. I wipe the tears that had fallen and jump out the window.

After a few minutes I'm walking on the street, alone and terrified. The worst situations start to cloud my mind. All of a sudden I hear a bark. I look to my right and the worst situation that I didn't even imagine was in front of me. A dog. I'm terrified of dogs! Especially if they're loose!! He starts to chase me as soon as I start to run. Where in the world is it's owner?! I don't know how many miles I'm running but I'm guessing I'll never stop running because I still hear it's collar, it's medals making clinking noises. I began to loose my breath. I feel like giving up.


Palp! I face plant into the ground below me. Which obviously happened to be a mud puddle. Because obviously this world hates me. This dog hates me too. Suddenly, I felt a pull on my feet. A strong tug. Great, now the dogs going to eat me. I look at the dog who's now chewing on my brand new Adidas® running shoes.

"If you wanted my shoes so bad, you could have just asked, you know?" I frown at the golden retriever.

"Gogi!" I hear a sudden shout. Who's gogi?

"Oh my, are you okay miss?" The same male asks. I stand up after the dog is retrieved from me.

I dust my self and try to act cool.

"Don't worry, I'll be o-" I look at him and my eyes meet with his rich brown ones. He's really handsome. His hair is long but short. His hair covers his forehead but doesn't cover his eyes. His duck like figures makes my heart pound a little. His lips, his lips are full and-

"Miss? Are you okay?" He asks, breaking me away from my daydream. He's waving his hands in front of my face.

"Yeah," I look down, trying to hide my flushing face.

"I-is that your dog?" I manage to ask.

"Yeah. Sorry about that. He just loves to chew on shoes. Maybe he really liked your shoes," He replies shyly. I can't help but giggle a little. Wait... OMG what if he saw when I fell? That was so embarrassing! Omg am I covered in mud?! Ugh! This is so embarrassing! I can't believe I embarrass myself like this. I look down at me chewed shoe. Aish.

"Uhh... I'm lee sandeul," he speaks up. I look at him and he's blushing a little.

"I'm Jung Eunji, nice to meet you," I bring my hand in front of me. He hesitates at first but then shakes my hand.

"Well.. I should get going," He smiles and waves. "Let's go Gogi," he calls his dog.

"Hey! Ahh! My bag!" I shout as his dog snatches my bag from my hands. The dog runs off with my bag! AKA the bag that has my money and clothes!

"He's heading home. Don't worry. We ... If you want, we can go to my house a-and get it," he stutters a bit.

"Sure," I say plainly.

Once we arrive at his house, I'm amazed, dumbfounded. His house is beautiful and huge.

"How-" I want to ask him millions of questions but I don't. "So... Where's your dog and my bag?"

He invites me inside so I walk in. The inside is even more amazingly beautiful.

He must have parties every weekend. This house is huge! He. Just be really popular.

"What school do you go to? I've never seen you around here," I ask after a while of silence while looking for his dog, gogi. His dog is really good at hide and seek.

"Gloria academy," He says. "I moved here last week."

"I go there too! That's awesome!" I sound excited.

"Haven't seen you there," he says, keeping the conversation going.

"Oh. I got suspended," I say as we go up the stairs. suddenly he stops and turns to look at me.

"Why?" He asks. I give him a sad smile and look down.

"This guy got me in trouble and He took use of being wealthy and suspended me," I pout.

"He bribed the principal with money?" Sandeul asks. He seems to be irritated.

"Yeah, my mother got angry so I decided to run away from home,so now here I am," I say bluntly and head upstairs.

"What?" I hear him say from behind.

"Woof!" Gogi appears in front of me with my bag. He drops it in front of me and runs off again. I pick it up and wipe the dog saliva with my handkerchief.

"Bye! I'll see you at school next week!" I wave good bye to Sandeul. He smiles showing his gums. Cute.

"Are you sure you have somewhere to stay?" He asks worriedly. Aww.

"Yeah! I'm going to my friends house!" I smile assuring him that I was going to be fine. Convinced, He waves and closes the door as I head down the street. Unfamiliar streets. Great, now I have a new problem.

where would I be going to?


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This 👉BANA/ Panda👈 is Out 💋 Peace!✌️


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