Chapter 4 - Doesn't Sound Too Bad

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❶ "Lando's Closet"—Solo: A Star Wars Story OST

Han sauntered to See-Threepio as he laughed at the Ewoks worshiping the golden protocol droid as their god

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Han sauntered to See-Threepio as he laughed at the Ewoks worshiping the golden protocol droid as their god. The droid chattered with Shaman Logray, a tan-and-black striped Ewok whose skull headdress waggled as he moved his head.

Han tapped the droid on his shoulder. "Hey, Threepio." When the golden robot in human form did not respond, the smuggler poked him again. "Threepio."

"Yes, General Solo. How may I be of service?" Threepio's metallic voice clanged against the whoosh of his servomotors as he turned with staggered motions.

"Need a favor. Could you find out from our friend here what the procedures are for ... uh ..." Han waved his hand at Logray. "Marriage?" 

"I didn't realize you were interested in Ewok mating rituals, General Solo." Threepio pulled his arm to his chest and gasped.

While pointing at the shaman, Han said with little patience, "Just ask him."

"Oroo zhan uuila?"

The shaman mumbled some gobbledy-gook while bobbing his head.

The golden droid translated. "He says the couple must appear before him. After they take their vows, the couple symbolizes their bonding with the holding of the arms, similar to this."

Threepio clutched Han's forearms, lifting them parallel to the ground.

"Hey, cut it out." Han snapped his arms away from the droid. He narrowed his eyes and rubbed his chin. "Doesn't sound too bad. Come with me."

As Logray followed Han, Han motioned to Threepio. "You, too, Threepio."

See-Threepio trundled behind Han who led them to where Leia, Luke, Chewie, Wedge, and Lando chatted. Luke and Leia relaxed on a log bench, with the others gathered around them. Wedge and Lando recounted their attack on the Death Star, but Luke and Leia stared off into the distance.

Han recognized a sadness in both their eyes that was not there when he had left them. Solo grimaced as he placed his hands on his hips, waiting for an appropriate moment to break into the conversation.

He shook his head to clear the haze that clouded his mind. Man, Wedge's flight suit is bright—or maybe I've just had too much to drink. The smuggler averted his eyes and focused on the darker shades of Chewbacca's sepia fur and Luke's black Jedi robes.

The music flared. Lando's blue cape swooshed a little too close to Leia, prompting Han to bite his lower lip and step closer. The former baronial administrator of Cloud City didn't miss a thing. He nodded at his old friend and moved across the circle to Chewbacca.

In his lackadaisical manner, Han said, "Hey, I hate to break this up and all, but Leia and me have some business with Logray here, but you're all welcome to stay." He finished with his arms outstretched.

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