Chapter 19

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Harvey's pov....

As soon as she was knocked out I knew my work was done and nothing made me happier! If I can't have her then no one can!!

Chantelle's pov......

I slowly woke up to see a figure in the distance.

'Who's there?' I say in a shakey quiet voice.

'It's your dearest boyfriend' the figure replied I instantly knew it was Harvey.

'H-Harvey why are you doing this?'

'Because your mine Chantelle and only mine!'

'Harvey I will never be yours! I'm Charlie's not yours!!!!'

'We'll soon see about that'

I sat there shaking and shut my eyes wishing this is a dream!

I woke up to see Harvey stripping me off and instantly I know what's gonna happen! I melt to the ground crying!

M:Harvey please stop! please just stop'

He suddenly strips him self and pushes him self in me and goes faster the tears started falling from my eyes wishing it could all be a dream! I want Charlie please help!!

His paste picks up as tears fall like a waterfall! I knew he wanted me back but rape me honestly!😭

After he finished he stayed in me and forced himself onto me so I was kissing him! 'Charlie where are you?'

'Babe he ain't coming'

I started crying even more!

Charlie's pov

I was walking home with Leo until I got a text

Unknown number:

Your girlfriends dead good at sex!haha I've got her now!

OMG Harvey he's got her I knew where he'd be I grabbed Leo and ran to the location

Chantelle's pov...

I sat in the corner fiddling with my necklace which Charlie gave me and started crying shushing he was here!

Suddenly I heard footsteps omg it's him please go away

'Chantelle it's charlie' he whispered I got up and ran ad jumped into his arms and cried I told him the whole story he started to cry.

We called the police and they came quickly we told them what happened, they arrested Harvey!


Thanks to Caris and Rachel for helping me

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