Chapter seven: The Note

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Hoseok saw Yoongi open his mouth several times and then closing it again without saying anything. He looked a little like a fish gasping for air and Hoseok couldn't hold back a giggle which got the man at the other side of the desk to give him a very concerned look. As if he wasn't used to hear laughing at his office.

None of them said anything. Hoseok didn't want to be the first breaking the silence in case the young man, Kim Namjoon, wanted to speak first. He wasn't sure if he was the kind of person who took his authority serious and would be offended if they spoke without permission.

During the silence, Kim Namjoon let his eyes fall on both of them, each at a time, studying them thoroughly. Or it was at least what Hoseok thought he did, but he couldn't be sure after all even if that seemed like the most likely reason.

"Your names?" Namjoon finally asked.

They presented themselves for the second time the same day and Namjoon asked if the travel had gone well and they told him it had, but that the walk from the bus had taken them longer than they thought.

"Good," the tone had changed in Namjoon's voice and he sounded very busy-like. "I reflected you were a few minutes late and Li's always on time. There are people out there who could cause problem for us, but it seems like it only was a mundane thing after all so nothing to worry about."

Hoseok wasn't sure what Namjoon had meant with mundane but he didn't dare ask about it. Maybe he got to know sooner or later.

"Well, I'm sure you're both curious to discover more of this place and I'll have Li showing you how things works here in a minute, but first I have something to say." Namjoon eyed them with a serious look in his eyes that said this was important matter and not to be taken easy on. "I'm not sure on what terms you're here, what background story you have or what kind of people you are, but from now on it doesn't matter. Volunteering for this job means that you stay here until we give you further orders and do not under any circumstances contact someone on the outside. Understood?"

They nodded and Namjoon continued: "There is a change you'll get a work out there in the future, but now you're new and we have to see if we can trust you before sending you out. Therefore, the first weeks you'll have to get used to working with the most basic chores. Li will tell you more later. Any more questions?"

"No, sir." Yoongi and Hoseok said as one.

Namjoon reached down under his desk and brought out some kind of device on which he pressed a few buttons that cause the thing to start dialing. After a few signals someone picked up on the other side and Hoseok could hear Li's voice from the raspy receiver. "I assume you're done, sir," she said.

 "For today, yes," Namjoon answered and Hoseok wondered what that meant but he hadn't time to think about that for there was a loud knock on the door and Li stepped in.

"Missed me?"

"Very much," Namjoon agreed, not at all with a voice dripping of sarcasm. "Show them around, the usual tour and then give them beds and working clothes and stuff like that. You know the basics. Like we spoke about."

"As you wish," Li said with a slight bow, the hint of amusement in her eyes still there. She gave off the feeling of taking life as a playful game, the worries could be for another day. "Let's go."

She waved them along and they followed her out of the office, but not before saying goodbye to Namjoon with a wish and a bow. The young man was not late to return the gesture and smiled before the door turned shut that gave Hoseok a very warm and comfortable feeling even though they barely knew Namjoon and under the circumstances they were here, Hoseok knew deep inside that he couldn't except him to be that nice. Namjoon was still some kind of boss at this place, running illegal business.

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