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I groan as the dull pain of someone's paw continually hitting my face wakes me up. I slowly crack open my eyes to see a blurry blob of white and brown directly above me. "Ginger, wake up!" A baritone voice urges at my half asleep state. My ears flatten down from the loud noise so early in the morning. Wait, what time is it?

"Gin! You lazy cat! You're going to be late for school!" The same voice scolds as the morning grogginess finally wears off somewhat. I see my brother frowning at me as he grabs my paws and pulls me from bed. My feet touch the fluffy carpeted floor below me and I am once again thankful for changing rooms with my sister. I said bye bye to cold, hardwood floors two months ago and it will stay that way. Smaller room, but eh, I ain't got much anyways.

"Arms up, Ginger." I unconsciously do so as my brother strips me of my pyjama shirt. My brother, Enzo, is a seal point Birman. He has a nice, light chocolatey tone to his fur, which I think beautifully brings out his ocean, blue eyes. We were born from the same litter, Enzo being about 12 seconds older than me.

 We were born from the same litter, Enzo being about 12 seconds older than me

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Enzo ⬆️

"Gin, you need to stop spacing out so much." Enzo quietly mutters. His human hands close the buttons to my dress shirt as he gets me ready for the day. I silently thank him as I try to brush the sleep off. Enzo has always helped me get ready in the mornings, whether we were only five years old or ten; until now, he's always helped me. I'm usually so dead in the mornings that I can't even brush my fur properly. It's become routine for the two of us, and I'd hate to break it. I don't know what I do without him.

"Change your pants and come down for breakfast, okay? And hurry it up, will you? School's almost starting." Enzo pushes me into the connected bathroom and throws my pants in. I sigh and hurriedly change while freshening myself up, not wanting the food to get too cold.

I vacuum clean my bowl of cereal and say my goodbyes to my large family of eleven, and head to school. And that's when the nerves hit me. It's the first day of high school today. First day attending the all famous UA. How much more nerve wracking can this get? Well, turns out All Might is teaching at the school. But that's not the one I'm most looking forward to. I heard from a little mousey that Eraserhead is there, too. My all time favourite hero! Let's just hope I don't mess up my first meeting.


Arriving right on time, or so I thought, I head to find the classroom of 1-A as the bell rings throughout the school. Once I do find it, it's empty with no one in sight. Weird, huh? I just stand there thinking, well, staring off into space. 'What do I do now?' A future hero, late on their very first day to school, this I surely is going to perk their interests and keep their eye on me. Good job, Gin, you're making your mark already.

"Hey, kid. What are you doing there?"


"Okay, here we are. Make sure you're on time in the future, kid." The pro hero waves as he leaves to head back into the school. I quickly bow and thank him once again for bringing me to class, which is currently being held outside. I turn to join the crowd in my new gym strip, feeling people's stares at me. 'Yeah, so? I'm a cat alright. Arriving fashionably late, too.' Though it's not like I don't feel a bit embarrassed.

"Akashi, is it? How nice of you to join us." I give an awkward grin as I wave a human hand, internally excited in seeing Eraserhead, or Aizawa Shota. He sighs and lets me off with a warning, "Don't let this become a habit, Akashi." I give him a strong nod, ears pointing straight up.

It seems we are doing some sort of assessment, judging from the activities everyone is doing. I hurriedly run to the front when I hear my name being called. I stand next to a girl with a brown bob cut and pink cheeks, with a track field ahead of us. She touches her clothing one by one and it seems to have an invisible effect. 'I guess we are given permission to use our quirks?'

My ears twitch and with a flicker of my ginger tail, my arms and legs quickly shift into that of a jaguar's. I crouch into position and when the robot gives permission, I pounce off and leave the dust behind. I finish with a satisfying score and I shift back, calming my beating heart. This is sort of fun, almost. I've always liked tests in weird ways, something about the way it causes your adrenaline to pump.

I suddenly get a surprise pat on the back and compliment, "Hey, that was awesome! I'm Kirishima Eijirou! Your quirk is really cool and manly!" I feel warm inside as my fluffy tail flickers around in happiness. No one has ever really said anything like that before, especially calling my quirk manly. "T-thank you. Gin Akashi, m-my name." I give him a slight bow.

"Nice to meet you, Akashi! Good luck with the rest of the test! It seems the person with the lowest score will be expelled. Though, I don't think you gotta worry about that!" He gives me a sharp smile as we head onto the next part. 'Wait, expulsion?!'

It's safe to say that I'll be a nervous wreck for the rest of the test. But definitely not as much as another kid. He looks like he needs to use the toilet from the extreme jittering of his body. His dark green hair almost reminds me of the leaves of parsley in our lush garden back at home.

The tests go by faster than I thought, some were quite easy, too. I think I did well by my standards, now we'll have to see if they meet UA's. Aizawa-sensei puts up a hologram of all the scores. My heart beats quickly as my blue orbs search for my name on the scoreboard. I rank 11th.

Sighing in big, fat relief, I wonder who Midoriya Izuku is. Though I have a feeling I know who they are. They place last out of all twenty one students, which I'm sure does not feel great.

"Oh right, that expulsion talk is a lie." Aizawa-sensei blurts out with a monotone voice. To say I am surprised is not enough, how could he play with our feelings like that? I huff as my tail swings side to side in slight annoyance. 'Though, I guess this is a good thing?'

"You okay?" I look to notice the red haired Kirishima from earlier. "Yeah, just kinda annoyed at someone." I speak hesitantly. It seems he's caught on and pats me on the shoulder. "Well, at least no one in the end got kicked out, right? Come on, let's go get changed." I shrug and head to follow him.

A/N - Hey readers! Sorry this chapter is sooooo boring.
Word Count: 1253
Next one will be better I hope!
Thanks for reading!
<3 <3 <3


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