DisneyWorks Pixar Agency

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*3 Years After Graduation*

Merida's POV

I had just finished my shift at the Agency prison and I was heading back to the actual agency building. I caught up with Punz and Anna, who had just finished locking up a criminal, undoubtedly.

"Hey, Mer"

"Hey, Mer" They both greeted

"Hi Anna, Punz" The three of us started again towards the main agency building and climbed the stairs to the third floor, where our common room was located. We called it a common room because when you walked in it was just one big room with a TV, a kitchen, and everything else, but then there were two staircases on either side of the room. One of the staircases led to four rooms which belonged to the girls and I. Then there was another side, that side had four rooms as well, but no one resided there. Elsa was already in the common room watching Spongebob.

"Elsa, did you get all that paperwork about Hans filed?" Punz asked.

"Yes" Elsa replied shoving popcorn in her mouth.

"Tiana said that she had something to tell us at dinner" I said

"Well, it's only three, so we have time" Elsa said. The three of us plopped down next to Elsa and shared the popcorn as we watched TV until six o clock. At six, we all walked to the dinner room, the only other room on the third floor besides our common room. Once we had gotten to the dinner room, and had eaten a bunch of food, Tiana began to speak.

"Okay, so you know that the Boys' Agency recently got infiltrated, right?"

"Yeah..." I answered.

'Well.." Tiana began

"Yes...?" Punz asked impatiently

"TheDisneyWorksPixarBoysAgencyisgoingtobemergingwithus" Tiana rushedout

"WHAT!?" I screamed, spitting out my juice.

"Merida, you are 25 years old, control yourself" Tiana scolded

"But, we're sworn enemies" Punz whined

"It doesn't matter, they'll be joining us in a couple of days, and that's final." We all mumbled annoyed agreements, but we really didn't want the Boys' Agency to merge with us. You had no idea how annoying they were.

This is the first chapter of the sequel! YAY! If you haven't already, you might want to read the first book DisneyWorks Pixar College. It will help you understand more. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!

P.S. The characters don't belong to me, only the plot. Please ignore any mistakes, I will edit the story when it is finished.

P.S.S. Funny picture!

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