Never look back unless you're planning to go that way.

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 That's how people get trapped there's something inevitable about the way that the human mind works, it's going to try and draw you backwards, it's going to try to get you to focus on the bad things that have happened, it wants you to see your mistakes, it wants you to wallow in your MISTAKES and I'll give it that maybe it has best intentions, maybe it's hope is that I don't repeat those mistakes, maybe what it wants to ensure that I do better in the future.

But  the problem is your energy goes were your attention is and if your attention is the past, that's were you'r going to live, that's where your going to spend your time and you're never going to plan for the future, the future doesn't happen the future has to be built, it has to be created and if you're not taking the time to map out that creation then it's going to happen by accident and you're never going to become that person that you're capable of becoming.

But to become that pushed and you have to push yourself you've got to make huge demands of yourself and to do that, to have the energy to see that through you've got to know what it is that you're trying to accomplish.

As William Faulkner said '' Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or your predecessors. Try to be better than YOURSELF.'' But how can you do that if all you're doing is looking in the past, you can get a have an eye to the future, you've got to know who you are today, you've got to have the self-awareness what it is about yourself that is a week that is inadequate but without punishing yourself without spending that time beating yourself up in the past living, there in the pain of what you got wrong, living there in the pain of all the things that happened to you that were outside of your control that you didn't want to build something new. 

Don't spend any of your energy trying to tear down the old, instead spend all of your time trying to build the new, and that becomes the thin, it becomes the race against yourself, it becomes the race to see if you can make yourself better. You have a vision of who you can become and you're constantly racing against that person, you're trying to become better than that person, you're trying to outperform your own expectations, and when you can do that, when you can set a bar that is ridiculously high, and then become somebody capable of surpassing that, then and only then will your time and energy into building YOU

As Epictetus said '' He is a wise man who does not grieve for things which he has not. But rejoices for those which he has.'' And that's gratitude isn't it? It's the very base decision that we all have to make, are you grateful for the things in your life? or are you always wanting more? and trust me I get it, I understand people that strive for more, I understand people that want something bigger and better, but at the same time if you allow yourself to only think about what you don't have, to only be striving for something more that obsession will begin to overtake you. it will begin to corrode you but ultimately it's a choice, ultimately at any time, right now in this moment you can put your attention on the things you're grateful for, and watch what it does, watch what it does in that instance the way that it changes you, the way that it changes your chemistry, your feelings in a moment can shift from negative and dark to beautiful with nothing else changing around you, nothing but you deciding that you're going o focus on the things you're grateful for, nothing but deciding that there are things in your life to be grateful for and that is a decision no matter what is happening in your life at any moment right now in the depths of depression, in something going on terrible in your life you can choose right now to think about the things you're grateful for for example:

The breeze hitting your face

A smile from somebody kind 

A stranger who opens the door for you

Anything!! But it's a choice and as Einstein said '' There  are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.'' And what choices are you making? what are you choosing to focus on right now? Do you let gratitude fill you up or not? 

And here's the critical part and I want you to listen to this really well, whatever you decide, whether we live in a world of miracles or whether we decide we live in a world devoid or miracles, you are choosing one thing to the exclusion of the other, and when you focus on something that you're grateful for when you look like and choose to see them as grand miracles even winning is only a gentle hand on your shoulder even then it's only a kiss from somebody who you've kissed a thousand times before even when holding the hand of somebody who needed their hand held, even when it's something that simple it really is a miracle that it really is something that can fill you, it really is something that will change your chemistry, bring a connection between two people, allow you to see that grander Vista or even just open a window and look out at the world and realise that you're alive, that this is all a miracle that none of this is guaranteed that every breath you take could be your last, and in that you can choose to cherish what you have in that, you can decide to focus on that, you have a breath to take and even when it's something that simple, that when you train your mind to do that, when you train yourself to decide to see the beauty in that then nobody can never take that away from you, and no matter where you are, no matter whats going on in your life you'll be able to feel the beauty that is being alive.

So take a minute at the worst times in your life and focus on the things you are grateful for.

                                                                                     THE END 

*Authors notes* Thank you for taking your time and reading this, this is my first ever short motivation words I don't think I will be doing another.

This was my once in a blue moon sort of thing and I was writing this in bed full of pain and Ill so I hope I have made it all in sense and not jumbled.

If I see such a demand or lots loving this I may do another years to come or start a story idk yet.

Yet again Thank you and I would love to hear from you Tata have a brilliant day. :) 

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