Imagine number seven
Y/n P.O.V
It's 1:30 in the morning and your in bed bored😕😕 so u just decide to go on your phone and go on IG (Instagram) while your on IG there's this post that says BOY BESTFRIEND??? So u start thinking and decided to repost the pic so you take a snap shot of it. (Btw you have and iPhone 6) so u repost it and as your caption you wrote NEEDED?!?💔💯🙊.... So after you post it you go on Twitter and post the same pic and write the same caption. You then go and see who's retweeting my post and I then see your old boy bestfriend Justin retweet it and all the old memories you had with him come back to my head but it was the last memories that had tears come to my eyes ...
"Y/n hey babe"
Justin said as he came into your house. Like the usual like you were use to him calling you babe or Bae or princess. Btw NO were not together even tho I wish we were... Anyways he's my boy bestfriend and I am so happy he is 💯❤️ but anyway...
"Hey Justin I missed you"
You say as you get up and give him a hug.
"I just went to my house which is right next to yours to go see what my mom wanted..."
He lets go and says then laughs.
"Shut up cuz I did ok"
You say blushing a little bit
"Oooo is someone blushing ...hahaha it's ok I always knew you had something for me..."
He says then winks and you blush even harder.
"Anyway what did your mom want?"
Then his face turned into sad and worry
"Well she was telling me that umm ...umm meandmymomaremovingtoatlantaforarecorddeal"
He said it so quick I didn't understand nada...
"Justin slow down"
I say laughing
"Ok what I said was me and my mom are moving to Atlanta for a record deal"
Your smile dropped and you felt as if you couldn't breath. Your bestfriend since you was 4, the boy you love and the one that has always been there for you is moving. You felt tears rush down your face. He then had tears in his eyes but didn't let them come down. He then got up and gave you a big hug and you guys just sat there and you cried and cried really hard. You couldn't believe it you couldn't even speak. But then something you didn't want say had to be asked ....
"When d-d-do y-y-you l-l-l-l-leave?"
Your heart was beating and you didn't want to hear what he had to say thinking you would still have time with him but his answer made you stop and look at him in pure shock and hurt.
You lost it you started crying like never before and just didn't know what to say.
"Well I guess this is worst then I expected"
He said but you just kept crying and said nothing...but then you decided to say...
"I'm proud of your achievement and I want you to go after your dream."
You let go of the hug and got off of him and looked at the time and it already 5:00 in the afternoon.
"What time is your flight?"
"Your coming right?"
Later that day you guys got to the airport and said your final goodbyes and before he left he said he will call you everyday and FaceTime you when he got the chance and said he loves you so ,I have and is gonna miss you a whole lot. You then said bye to Pattie and that you love her and to take care and then they left. After the first week you and Justin lost all contact and he never called you again but you tried and tried but his phone always went to voicemail. After that you never was able to forget Justin or forgive him.Well he got famous and I started following his every move and his latest updates. Now his traveling half way around the world getting money, and living a good life while I'm here working at a famous clothing store. Oh and did I mention his been in a relationship with the one and only Selena Gomez. Yeah that broke me but I didn't let it show I just kept it moving and moved on and no I haven't dated and I'm already 20 and he left when I was 14 so I been single since then... But anyway while I was on Twitter and someone DM me and it was him who DM me thinking I was gonna write back but I decided to see what this nigga had to say ...
"Hey Y/n I know it's been a long time since I talked to you and I am sorry. You can hate me and say I'm a jackass and all that extra shit and you have very right to 😔😔cuz I left you but i wanted to let you know that I never let you slip out my mind I always thought about you💜. Thinking about how you doing or where are u and thinking about all our good times, funny times even our bad times and was like damn I miss her so much💔💔. And yeah I know your gonna be like I could of called or emailed but Y/n my company told me I had to loose all connection with all my friends and I needed a new phone and all this extra shit... 💯💯 But what I'm trying to say is I am truly deeply sorry and I really want you to forgive me you know I love you a whole lot and I miss you😘😘. I really wanna see you so I was gonna see if you wanna meet me in the Starbucks we always use to go to when I lived in Canada tonight at 7 sharp ?? 👀👀I understand if you don't but I'll still be there. 👌
Love Justin ❤️
You didn't reply you just left him on read and kept re-reading the text and thinking should I go or should I not .... You then decided to go... And with that you put your phone on the charger and decided to get some rest... The next day you woke up at 4:30 and was like zammmm I am some lazy bitch oh well 😂😂I then got up brushed my teeth and cooked some breakfast for myself ... Did I mention I live by myself my mom got married two years ago and moved to NYC and I stood here to look after our house and my aunts and uncles look out for mr even tho I still keep in contact with my mommy💛💯 well anyway after breakfast I looked at the time and seen it was already 5:45 so I decided to get ready and head towards Starbucks ... Only reason I'm going is to finally see him and the changes he went threw in the past 4 years😪😪Anyway I head back upstairs and take a shower I then get out and see what I'm gonna wear ... Well it's pretty chilly but nice outside so I went with my pink uggs with the purple bows in the back and my light blue jean with my pink and purple crop top long sleeve shirt that says RECKLESS in purple💗👌I then put on my jewelry which was some hoops and a bow necklace and then my lip gloss and left my hair natural down and added a purple bow I then grabbed my black jacket with my side bag and my phone then went back downstairs locked up and got in my car to go... I started jammin to the Journals album 😏😏 yeah I may be hurt but his music is amazing and I'm gonna listen to it plus he is my BESTFRIEND 😒😒 but anyway I got there in 30 mins and when I looked it was 6:45 great timing ... While I got there I then started looking for parking which took 10 mins and can I tell u I parked pretty far so I then jogged back to Starbucks and walked in there was no one there... we'll there was one person he looked around my age and he was looking mighty fine with his tattoos and his saggy pants and shades 😍🙈but I then put my attention on what I wanted to ordered which was some hot chocolate☕️☕️ which was mine and Justin favorites and he l- never mind well anyway when I ordered she said
"Are you Y/n?"
"Yea who's asking?"
"Oh haha somebody already has your odee he's over there"
She pointed to that cute boy I was talking about he was now on his phone ...
"Thank you"
"No problem"
I walk over to him my heart was beating faster then life... I finally get to his table and he looks up and smiles really big he gets up and gives me the most tightes,cutest, long hug ever and btw when i say cutest hug I mean he lifted me up off the ground my first reaction was to hug back and that's exactly what I did .... He then whispers ....
"I missed you so much, I'm so sorry for losing contact please forgive me I love you so much you was always on my mind. You could ask anyone..."
"Me too"
We stood like that for a long time he then let go of me and looked at me for along time I then started to blush ...
"HUH still the same y/n from the last time I saw u gorgeous and always blushing and still had the good fashion sense... "
I just blushed and checked him out looks like he got a sleeve tattoo and a shorter one and got more sexier 😍😍 like a sex God ❤️👅💦 his hair looked different spiked up and his eyes popped out more and had a sparkle to them and his lips oh God they were so sexy 🙊🙊 but I came back to reality when I seen him checking me out ...
"Like what you see"
"I do"
We both started laughing and sat we then talked for hours catching up and finding out he is single and no longer is with Selena 👏👏👏👏 thank god but it was getting really late and Starbucks was starting to close so we had to leave and with that process he had to put his hood and shades on even tho it was dark but still he didn't wanna get recognized you know how the famous life is anyway ... We left and he said his body guard left and had no way back to his hotel so I asked if he wanted a drive to his hotel and he said yeah... He decided to drive so I got in the passenger seat and he got in the driver seat he then decides to turn the radio on and the song "Hold Tight" came on👅💋💦 and he looked at u...and you started laughing😂😂😂
" I swear I didn't know this was gonna come on"
I say and blush odeee😊☺️☺️☺️
"Babe I mean I know you want me and all you don't gotta give me no signs and you don't need the album you got the voice right here"
He then winks😉😉
Omg this boy 😍😍😍😍😍😍
I continued to laugh and stay quiet. The ride to the hotel wasn't that long so we just caught up laughing and joking... It was so good to catch up with him I didn't want it to end... He then says...
"I really missed you Y/n"
"Me to Justy"
You then kiss his cheek but wished they were his lips😚😚 anyway when we arrived to his hotel he asked if I wanted to come up and decided hey why not... So we get in the elevator and I knew he would have a panic attack cuz he's doesn't like elevators so I grabbed his hands to comfort him but he then pulls me in front of him and stood behind me holding my hands... So we get upstairs and he opens his door or w.e and I get comfortable by taking my boots, jacket and put my purse down and sit on the sofa in the living room 💁💁while he goes to the kitchen and comes out with two glasses and champaign and put some music on and we was just macking 😂😂 he then gets hot and takes off his shirt and his v-line is showing and I'm just like😱😱😱but anyway I'm on my 4th glass and I'm feeling twisted so when this usually happens I start saying things 😁😁😁😁
I whine and say as I crawl over to him on the couch
He whines just like I did
"I want you"
I moan as I grab his chain near my face
He says as he laughs
"I said I want you"
I say as I fall in his chest and grab his face.
"Y/n stop your drunk"
He was right but not as drunk I know what I was saying and it's true I wanted him 👅👅
"I know what I'm saying and I want you"
I say as my hand travels down to jerry .
"Stop you know u don't wanna do this I love you and all b-"
He was cut off by me
"If you love me then show me"
"Y/n your going to re-"
He was cut off by your lips and he kissed back in defeat. The kiss felt like soon got heated my shirt came off and flew somewhere ... I then straddled him as I continue to kiss him... Therefore there was biting,licking everything in this kiss as he grabbed my ass he then lifted me up and took me to the bedroom where he layed me down and said...
"I'm gonna make sweet love to you"
You say then smile😋😋 he then asks
"Your still a virgin right??"
I nod yeah type embarrassed 🙈🙊
He then kisses me again with more passion and love... I then take off his jeans, as he takes mine off then my bra... He then starts kissng my neck and leaving love bites all over my neck😍😍 and then go to my boobs as he sucks and bite one he is massaging the other and all I could do is moan 😵😵he then starts leaving kisses going down my body going to my Tom and spreading my legs open and takes off my panties and went straight to eating me outttt 👅👅👅👅 all I can say is
Feel so good damn and I cannot lie😍😍👅
I then came and he comes back up and gives me a kiss beforehand says ...
"You ready??"
I nod once again as he positions himself at my entrance ...
"Baby it's gonna hurt but trust me it'll get better"
He slides in only half way and its hurts like a MF and I yelp😱😱 he stops and kisses me
"Baby I'm sorry"
"It's okay"
I whisper I then wrap my legs around him which was bad idea cuz i made his full length go in me and it hurted even more 😓😓 so he just stayed there so I can adjust to his size😌😌 ... I finally feel no more pain and tell him to go... He continues and I feel more pleasure then ever😝
"No I wanna make love to you not fuck you"
He says groaning as u moan his name
"Justinnnn uhhhhh"
He goes slow in and out , in and out it feels good ... We do that for a while and I feel my legs shake and he groans ...
"J-ju-Justin I'm about to cum"
"Me to baby"
"Ready 3-2-1"
We both came and he layed next to me pulling the blanket on top of us and us falling into a deep sleep...
Next morning I woke up to sun light hitting my face and smelling breakfast as I get up all the memories from last night flush back into my head ... I smile and pull the white sheets over my body to get up to got to the bathroom but as I get up my legs feel like jelly fish and sore 👀👀👀 I couldn't get up so I the crawled to the bathroom did my buisness then crawled back to the bed 💚 but as soon as I close my eyes Justin 💙 walks in setting a tray of food on the dresser next to the bed and kissing my face all over to get me up which I do ....
"Aww thank u baby"
You say and kiss him
"Anything for you princess 🌸👑"
I eat with Justin and clean up I then have to use the bathroom but don't want Justin to know I'm sore so when he leaves the room to put the plates back I try to quickly crawl to the bathroom but...
"Ah ha my princess is sore??"
He says as he picks me up and place me on the sink of the bathroom...
"Fine yes"
I say and blush
"It's okay babe it's good to know I did good but anyway we can lay down and cuddle all day I got you babe"
"Ok thank you baby"
" But first I have a question ?"
He says all smiley
"Will you be my forever shawty??"
"I would love to be"
He then kisses you and carries you back to the bed which u expect him to let go and lay down next to you but doesn't. He then starts kissing down our body and making his way down to your sore Tom, you then stop him...
"Babe I'm sore stop"
You say as you whimper at his touch in between you legs near your Tom...
"Princess do you trust me??"
He says looking at you with those beautiful hazel eyes as his... You then nod ...
"So baby I got this trust me Imma make you feel better"
He then goes back to your Tom and eat you out 😝😝 which makes you feel a bit better 😏😏 (btw he had his underwear in this whole time💯)But the rest of the day was full of movies,cuddling and kissing 💜

Justin Bieber Imagines
FanfictionImagines of Justin Drew Bieber ... Take request whenever .... Just give me your name,what kind u want dirty,emotional,fight, etc, and I'll ask u more questions later... Also hit me up in kik,Instagram,Twitter,and dm...