Im Sorry

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Raven's P.O.V
I sprayed my last perfume before running to put my heals on and on cue Justin yells,
I responded then headed down. Once you got down Justin looked at me and lost his breath for a minute... Okay maybe 2 minutes,
"Wow. Raven you l-l-ook amazing"
He drooled a bit but it was cute.
"Thanks baby"
I gave him a light kiss, which turned out to a make out session but he soon pulled away cuz you guys were "late".
" Come on, the cab is waiting"
We walked out and hopped in the cab. Well let me tell you what's going on right about now. Me and Justin were heading to a club because it's been a while since we went out and had a good time. Well at least for me. But I was waiting to have the time of my life. Ohh were here.
Justin's P.O.V
We hop out the cab and head inside without waiting. As soon as we get in the club its packed and full of drunk people all over each other and enjoying there time. Just what I wanted. Raven then sees and old friend of hers and goes to say hi to her and I told her I'll be at the bar.

1 hour later

WHERE THE HELL IS SHE !?!? I LOOKED ALL OVER FOR HER AND STILL DIDNT FIND HER !!!! THIS WAS SUPPOSE TO BE ANTOOD NIGHT BUT I GUESS NOT !!!! I then ask the bartender for a beer and two shots of whisky to cool myself down. I then turn my chair around to look out on the dance floor. I scan the floor and see nothing but then a necklace catches my eye. I look closely and see that it's Raven dancing with some bumb ass niggaa and I get furious. But I hold my peace to see what she will do. She does nothing but grind on him and let him put his hands all over her. Disgusted. I feel so hurt. I then find myself walk up to her and punch the guy and she seems drunk but still that was no excuse.
"Then you don't trust me. Well you can have all the fun you want now. Were done."
I walk out and catch a cab. On the way home I just cry and cry. The cab then reaches my house I pay him and walk out. I enter the house and it's quite. That's how I want it to be. I just wanna be alone. I then take off the sweaty & nasty clothes and jump in the shower. As the hot water goes down my body I can't help to think why she would do that to me? Throughout this whole relationship I have been nothing but faithful. No matter how drunk I got I never disrespected her. Especially being that if I did she would find out before me. And I would never want to embarrass her like that. I then hop out and put the towel around my waist. I look in the mirror and see that I have bags under my eyes and just stare at myself. Uhhh I feel shitty. I then go into the room and get some boxers and that's it. I then check my phone and see I have 75 missed phone calls from Ravens Bestfriend .... I then call her back ...
"I. Don't. Know."
"Yes you do now tell me"
"Raven was acting slutty and that shit hurt me pretty much. And don't come to me with that oh "she was drunk" shit because,that not an excuse. If she knew she was gonna act like that she never should of drank. And what hurts me even more is ever time I went out or got twisted I always thought of us and how I would never want to hurt her or embarrass her. But I guess that's not what she thought. I'm fucking hurt."
It was quite for a minute, I mean everything I said was the truth. I just can't believe this shit. I honestly don't want to see her. I know I being a little harsh but yourself in my shoes. Im a celebrity and all that happens in my life gets out there into the public. And this shit would make things hard for me if its all over the tabloids. She then speaks up...
"Look Imma give you some time. Imma go and get some of her things cuz I know how you feel and she's over here passed out on the couch so I'll be over in the morning. Get some rest."
"Thanks. See you later then."
We hang up and I decide to get some rest. I need sleep to take away this pain.

Who tf is that... I get out of bed and throw some shorts and a shirt on... I head downstairs and see who that is... I open it and see Millie, Ravens Bestfriend. She hugs me and I hug her back.
"Sorry I just woke up"
"It's fine I just came to get few things of Raven"
"Sure, you know where it's at"
It doesn't take that long for Millie to get Ravens stuff she knows where everything is. She stays for about 20 mins and then leaves giving me a hug and saying,
"If anything you got my number and know where I live"
"Thanks, I got you"
She then leaves...
I then walk into the kitchen to make my self some breakfast and call my mom. I check what time it is and see its 11:30. I call my mom first to see,what she's doing.
"Hey honey, how are you ?"
How good it is to hear that voice.
"Hey mom,I'm going through my own thing. But I'll live how are you ?"
"I'm fine sweetie, but what's wrong ? You wanna have a mother & son day to get your mind off of it? "
"Yeah I do. I'll explain to you later."
"Ok then. How does 1 sound we could have lunch and go roller skating maybe?"
"Sounds perfect. See you in a lil while mom. Love you."
"Love you to baby."
We hang up and I head upstairs to get ready.... I hop in the shower and wash myself quickly. I come out and I see it's pretty chilly so I decide to wear some jeans with a baby sky blue V- neck shirt, with my 11's, my gold watch and gold necklace, I see then the sun wants to come out so I grab my shades & take a sweater just in case. I the head to the bathroom and gel my hair up in my usual hair style. And on perfect timing Momma Pattie rings the door bell. I grab what I need then head out. When I see her I give her such a big hug, which she returns. We head to her car & drive off. She then speaks up.
"Hey baby boy how you been ?"
"I been okay going through a few things."
"What's been going on ?"
I honestly didn't want to break down in front of anyone but if I had to choose it would be my mom. She was always there for me so why not express the way I feel right now.
"Uhh mom there's been so much going on you have no idea. Scooter has been on my ass about this new album that needs to be released in the next two weeks. Beliebers are starting to think I'm not going to release any music anymore. Then scooter wants to start touring in the next 2 months. One of my dancers are pregnant & raven hasn't been giving it her all when we come to dance practice. And now that we mentioned her thats the one person who has been hurting me the most."
I take a minute to catch my breathe and wipe away some tears that fell. My mom takes a quick look at me and rubs my head before she drives again.
"Okay so last night Raven & I went to a club. I thought it would be good to get out & enjoy ourselves for a little bit being that we have been stressed out lately. Well being that Raven is a back up dancer & I have a lot of work to do we wanted to get out. So we get there she sees and old friend of hers and I head to the bar which I told get ill be there. It was 1 hour and she still didn't come, so me being me I got worried & pist off. So I got a drink & started looking for her on the dance floor. And BOOM ! That's exactly where I found her. But when I found her I saw her grinding on some ugly, bumb ,drunk ass guy and my blood rose. I came and punched the dude in his face. Then told her how hurt I was & that we were over."
I started to cry & break down. My mom then pulls over to the side.
"I know she was drunk but that's no e-e-excuse. I-I have been tip-tip-tipsy m-m-many times. But n-n-never did I dis-disrespect her like that. N-n-never. I -t-tried the best I could t-to s-stay committed & l-loyal. But s-s-she didn't."
I tried to say while crying but couldn't. My mom just tells me to stop while she rubs my back & soothes me. We stood like that for about 20 mins until she speaks up.
"Let's go to Red Lobster. As my treat."
I then clean my tears & nod. But she's crazy to think it's her treat.
"I'll pay mom. Don't worry."
"No Justin I wanna pay & that's final."
She sternly says & starts the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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