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I was shocked that Jade had just left after our conversation about children. I didn't realize how much she didn't want children right now. I always thought she wanted kids as soon as we got married like I did.

I knew that we couldn't get pregnant by naturally conceiving, so I had even convinced Jade's brother to be a sperm donor for us which was quite in awkward conversation to have.

I really wanted the baby to have both Thirlwall and Edwards DNA, but I guess that was over now. I took out my phone and I texted Jesy. I probably should've texted her and Leigh-Anne several hours ago after we landed in Hawaii.

To Jesy: hey jade and I landed safely but now she's mad at me ugh can you help me?

To Perrie: aw baba what happened? This is your honeymoon!

To Jesy: we had an argument about when we should have children and she just left and I know it's our honeymoon. I just don't know what to say to her....

To Perrie: Interesting how she's being an asshole on your honeymoon. I'll get Leigh to talk to her now go enjoy yourself Perrie! you're in Hawaii for crying out loud and Jade will come around...she loves you. have fun babe xx

I chuckled at Jesy's message and realized that she was right. I was in Hawaii and I should be enjoying myself. I left some more money on the table Incase Jade's wasn't enough.

I walked out of the restaurant and decided to go to the bar to get myself a drink. I sat on a barstool and waited for the bartender to attend to me. As I was waiting, I saw a man take the seat next to mine.

I mentally rolled my eyes hoping that it wasn't someone looking to flirt as I was already married and I wasn't straight. "Bartender!" I heard him say. The bartender came over to help him and then he came over to help me.

"What could I get you Miss?" He asked me. I wanted to correct him and say Mrs. due to me being married now, but I decided against it. "I'll have whatever you recommend." I say not having a clue about what I wanted.

He came back a few moments later with a yellow looking drink with a pineapple sticking out of it. He set it down and looked into my eyes. I could see that he was rather attractive as I looked at him.

"Thank you." I say softly before taking a sip. "My name is Kyle." He says still looking at me. "I'm Perrie." I say to him. "Wow this is really good!" I say shocked at how good the drink tastes.

"Thank you. It's my speciality drink." He says while throwing in a wink. I laugh and cover my mouth slightly. This causes him to smile and show off his dimples.

"You're extremely pretty." He says while taking my hand into his. I feel extremely guilty when he does this. All I want to say is that I'm married and I'm actually on my honeymoon, but that doesn't come out.

I miss being flirted with and touched in slight ways. Jade has been acting somewhat distant toward me. I think back and realize that it was always me flirting with her and rarely the other way around.

"I should get going." I say to him while flashing a smile. "Alright then Perrie. I get off work at seven. We should do something." He says to me while taking my hand and kissing it.

I blush slightly and then remember I have to pay for the drink. "How much do I owe you?" I ask him while taking out my purse. He laughs and says "It's on me sweetheart." I blush harder and lean over to kiss his cheek.

I get off my stool and turn around and see the one person that I didn't want to see. It was her. I could tell she was hurt by this as she immediately turned around and began walking away from me. "Jade!" I screamed after her. I began running to keep up with her as she can walk incredibly fast.

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