Chapter 2

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'Lucy, Your shift starts in an hour! you best be getting you ass out of bed!!!'

My best friend Adriana screams from the door way. I swear if she keeps doing this I'm eventually going to kill her. but I possibly won't since she's a good friend of mine.

'OKAY YOU DONT HAVE TO SCREAM!!! I HAVE SENSITIVE HEARING YOU KNOW!!!' I yell back at her. She already knows about vampires and ware wolves... Adriana is a ware wolf and I have been sticking by her side since she was 19 years old. We found each other on her 19th birthday in a bar, I was working my shift there and she was going to get drunk... So when I was done my shift that night I decided to join her and get drunk with her, but we all know that vampires can not get that drunk.

'GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED NOW BEFORE I COME AND TACKLE YOU!!!' Adriana screams from down stairs. UGH she know how my hearing is and yet she chooses to scream anyways... Im glad to have a best friend like her.

'IM COMING JUST CHILL YOUR TITS ALRIGHT!!' I scream back at her, she doesnt have as sesitive hearing as I do, so if I talk she wouldnt be able to hear me clearly. I rushed as fast as I could to get my uniform on considering that my shift started in 15 minutes. by the time I got to my job, the bar wasn't even open yet, even though I started at 8:00. I had a couple of minutes left before Matt Donaven came to open up the grill. So I decided to go hunt for my breakfast. But before I could do anything, I found myself pinned to the wall by a muscular hand gripping my neck so that I couldnt escape his grip.

'What do you think your doing Love?' said the mysterious man in an English accent that I knew from some where. Then it hit me, I knew who this man was. Klaus.

'What are you doing here Klaus? I donkt know why your pinning me to the wall but we both know Elijah will kill you if you touch on hair on me... or even snapping my neck' I spat back at him. If you haven't figured it out by now... Me and Elijah, are a thing

'Oh I just wanted to see how you were doing, considering that I can read your thoughts and you are really going to go there love?' Damn it, I forgot he had that ability to read other peoples minds...

'I also wanted to say that someone stole your room mate and killed her, and trust me, I would never hurt you in that way love. We will find out who killed Adrianna and you will get your revenge love, I can promise you that much.' he tells me. I have nothing to say because I'm shocked that Adriana is dead and I wasn't there to protect her like I promised.


'Yes love?'

'Will you take me to New Orleans with you?? I really need to see Elijah right now.' I asked him

'Sure love, I was wondering when you were going to ask me that, your stuff is already packed and in my car at the mansion, I will meet you there after your shift is done love.' he tells me but I dont really pay attention because all I'm thinking about is Adriana and how she's dead because I wasnt there to help her. She lost her ability to shift because Esther, Elijah and Klaus's mother casted a spell on her to not shift until she killed another person. But she never did.

'Thank you.'

'Any time love :)' he smirked at me.

when he finally let go of my neck I fell hard to the ground. I never knew he had me pinned up that high off my feet. The minute I looked up he was gone. That son of a bitch. I started to make my way to the grill when I heard a noise in the back ally, I went to go look but nobody was there, but when I turned around I was in the arms of a man in a black suit. Elijah. He hugged me and I hugged him back. Why was he here, I thought he was in New Orleans with Rebekah, but I guess not.

'Are you okay? I heard what happened to Adriana and I knew that she was your best friend. I promise you that we will find who ever did this and you will get your revenge.' Elijah promised me. Elijah is the honest one in his family who can keep his promises and never break them, unlike Klaus.

'Yeah I'm fine and Klaus already promised me that I will get my revenge. But I just want to go somewhere far away where I dont have to worry about it, I already asked him if I could go to New Orleans with him and he already said that my things were already in his car waiting for me when I'm done my shift at the grill.' He had a shocked look on his face when I was explainig this to him, I wonder what he was thinking of.


Sorry the chapters are kind of short but I will try to make the other ones a little bit longer!!! love you guys so much ;)

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