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The two boys finally went down stairs and just sat on the couch and watch the other boys play whatever game it was that they were playing

Daniel and corbyn hadn't even released they where there but jonah looked over his shoulder at them
He got up and motion for them to follow him
Daniel and corbyn to worried about the game to notice

"Yall ok?" Jonah asked once they were outside

"Mentally or physically?" Zach asked
Jack smacked him in the back of the head because of his response

"Based on that you to seem fine. go to sleep yall look tired" jo said

"Fine mom" jack said standing up off the ground

"Why does everyone call me that?"

"Because you act like a mom" jack said

Zach had fallen asleep while sitting there so jack pulled him by his ankles back into the house

"Did you finally kill him?" Daniel asked
Jonah hit him with the book he was holding

"No but if you don't shut up I'll kill you" jack said

"Wow angry girl friend guys dont anger her"

"Corbyn?" Jack asked

"Already on it" corbyn said and then he typed something on his phone and set it back down. Every one else phone dinged and it was a twitter notification

"Corbyn you didn't" daniel said

"Oh I did" he said with his big goofy smile "that's not even the worst picture I have of you"

" it's scary how many embarrassing photos he has of every one" jonah said

"Never anger Corbyn it wont turn out well"


Super short chapter Ik
But..... it's more of a lighten the mood chapter since the last one was kinda dark and yeah so.... here yall go

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