Charicter info pls read if you want to know more about your powers and stuff

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Hello sorry I i don't upload much I'm a lazy boi first I don't know what I'm doing completely but I don't think I'll have the whole end of world thing but I'm not sure yet but whatever now I'm to your backstory -
Warnings: trigger maybe I don't get triggered so I don't know

Your backstory-
So basically you have had a really bad childhood . you mom just randomly gave birth to you and hated you. because you have power some man wanted you but your mom wanted to keep you so she could beat you or make you clean the house . You ran away when you were 18 got a job at Taco Bell . Ummm also you drink and get high a lot because it pushes away your problems. ( sorry this doesn't make much sense I'm trying to skip to what's going on right now ) and that's all really oh yeah you have two best friends one is dead the other moved across the country when you were kids . And you have no contact with either of them because you don't know the others phone and one is dead ... and no your power isn't like klaus's it's quite different . I'll explain in a few minutes or seconds depending on how fast you read .

Current info

Name : (your full name)

Age: 28

Birthday : October 1 1989
(Oof I just almost wrote 1889 because currently I'm watching fantastic beasts )

Eye color: (you're eye color)

Hair : ( your hair color)

Power : so it hard to explain but basically you don't have your own emotions you feel what other people fell bye either looking them in the eye or touch. You also can tell if someone is lying. (edit : you also gab read minds when you  feels other people's feelings but only that persons feelings but you can feel other people's feelings at the same time . Just wanted to make that clear because in the first chapter it may be a bit confusing if I didn't sate that .

Sexuality: (your sexuality)

Gender: your gender

Nickname: (whatever you want it)

And I think that's all you need to know for now and if you want to know more comment whatever it is bye

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