One: " why is someone like you all alone in a place like this?"

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Ayeeee fuckers I'm back how are ya sorry this chapter will probably be shorter but enjoy it .

(Your prov) left of same place in last chapter.

Once I fully walk in I go straight to the bar so the voices will go away then I get some weed . I start dancing around in the dance floor . Then I felt some one bump in to me . I turned around to see a taller man with dark brown hair his eyes were hard to make out the color .

"Oh I'm so sorry." The man says .

"It's fine happens all the time ." I say not caring about what just happened.

"Would you maybe like to get a drink ." The man says words slightly slurred.

"Sure."  I say as he grabs my wrist dragging me over to a bar .

Once we order drinks we start talking i Learn that his name is klaus Hargreaves and he is 28 like me .

It's been almost an hour of us chatting by now We are super high and drunk .

"Letssss gooo dannnccceeee ." He says word super slurred .


We dance around a bit then my drunken high ass starts to feel sick .

" klaus I think I'm gonna right siccckkkkk!"

" okkkk i wiilll walllkkkk to your hommme with you ifff thaaattts okkkkk." He says worriedly .

'Maybe he can actually be a friend.' I think as he holds my hand walking to the door to leave .

'Doubt that he's drunk look at him fail to walk in a straight line he is probably gonna use you for sex or abuse you like your last boyfriend/girlfriend.'

Time skip to home brought to you by me failing to spell and Gerard ways moans .

"Hey you ok ." He asked  .

"Ye-Yeah." I say hiccuping

I unlocked the door ( you guess are still high by the way you'll see ) and take of my jacket. I walk straight to the couch and Klaus follows .

We watched a movie called Pans Labyrinth . After the movie Klaus picked me up and ... he brings me to my room . He lays a on my bed and starts kissing down my neck the the rest is a blur all I can remember now is falling asleep in his arms .

You think I would right smut this early in the book hahaha no also I know this is two chapters In the book just telling you there not gonna hook up yet some drama happens and they don't know much about each other this just happened because there high and drunk and probably on crack .

     Bye my franksters cya fuckers

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