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I hope that's how you spell that but whatever also have a meme thing since I have no other pictures or songs that go with this character

Trigger: I guess I don't know just some suisidall shit not much  .
Jamit why can't I spell today .

(Your prov) this chapter takes place two weekes before klaus gets but in rehab I don't know when he does but whatever.

I was walking down the street to my apartment so I could get money to go to the club . It was quite a crappy day it's been raining all day . Since it's been raining all day I don't have any weed or pills so I'll just go to the club . I mainly smoke weed and do pills so the voices will go away but also my emotions go away with them. I get In side my apartment grab some money and make sure my (your pets) are fed .

"Bye (pets name) love ya see ya when I get back ."

"(Pet noises)."

I laughed at there response . ' I'm surprised they respond to me being a psychopath.' I think to my self .  I locked my door and walked to the closet club witch is unfortunately almost an hour walk away. 'Shit the voices will start coming back but if I get a cab I will only here one.' The voices were coming back ( also if you were wondering your just standing in the middle of the side walk ) saying things like ...
"What is this freak doing."

"Move it you fat ass."

"Stop taking the whole side walk."

(Sorry about that but I know people in the city are rude sometimes so just go with it I feel bad for calling random people fat )

'I'll just get a cab so I don't have to here many voices.' I haled a cab and got in .

"Where to miss/ sir?" The drive said monotoned .

" nearest club please ." I said

(This 'is you thinking this* is the driver thinking.)

*thanks for choosing the closest club if it I want to get to my family before 12am.*

The rest of the ride I just kept here ing the drivers thinking .

Time skip

I get out the cab and thank the driver. I walk up to the bouncer show them my ID and whatever else they need . They let me in and right away I'm greeted with the smell of weed alcohol sweating people and blaring music.

Ayeeeeee hope you liked the prologue thanks for reading and I'm sorry if I misspelled stuff or did something wrong with anything. Sorry for short chapter they will be longer some time . Bubyyyyyyeeeeeee

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