16 Chat Noir

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After school, Adrien went home and said he was going to be working in his room when really, he would sneak out of the window as Chat Noir and pick Luka up after he de-transformed. Then he could go to the movies without his father knowing he left his room.

"Alright, Plagg. It's time to transform," Adrien whispered.

"What about Master Fu? Your suit will still have a hole in it from the sword," Plagg said concerned.

"Don't remind me." Adrien looked at his wound which was still wrapped up. "I'll have to deal with it. PLAGG, CLAWS OUT!"

As Plagg said, Chat Noir's suit still had a big rip in it. He grumbled. This whole sword thing was getting really annoying.

Chat Noir leaped out of the window and into the air. He tapped his pole and it extended to the ground, pushing Chat Noir up and over the buildings. After a bit more flying through Paris, he finally made it to Luka's houseboat. He did a barrel roll and landed on his feet.

"Claws in."

Plagg landed on Adrien's shoulders.

"I know, I know. I have to hide," Plagg said absently.

He flew to the side of Adrien's shirt. Adrien knocked on Luka's door and almost immediately, Luka popped out. Adrien smiled and held out his hand. Luka gladly took it. They walked in silence giving Adrien time to think.

Does dating Luka as Adrien basically mean I'm cheating on Marinette as Chat Noir? I mean, Marinette and I aren't dating or anything so it shouldn't. But we did ki-

Luka cut off Adrien's thoughts. "Seems like this is our first date. I mean, sort of. We're going with other people, but still us together," Luka pointed out.

Adrien didn't realize that. He wouldn't really call it a date either. It was just going to the movies with a couple of friends.

"Yeah. I suppose," Adrien agreed.

"Something wrong?" Luka asked. "It looks like you're preoccupied."

"Nothing's wrong," Adrien lied.


Luka didn't push Adrien to talk anymore.

This feels so...confusing. I can't do this.

They met up with their friends and asked if they could join them. Then they headed to the movie theater.

Adrien thought the movie was incredible! He had never seen someone take so many punches to the face and still fight back. He would have to remember that when he fought as Chat Noir.

His friends said their farewells and went home. Adrien waited for Marinette to walk away far enough that she wouldn't hear him talking to Luka. After a few minutes of yelling at Luka then making up, he finally went home.

Adrien sighed and ran towards the far side of the building where he could transform into Chat Noir without being seen. Instead, he found Marinette. He smiled. Adrien was in a rush and accepted her apology. He ran for a while until he was certain no one could see him.

"Alright, Plagg. After I see Marinette for a little bit I'll take you to Master Fu. Deal?"

Adrien took Plagg out and placed him on the ground.

"Fine. Don't take too long though," Plagg said.

Adrien grinned. "Since when have I let you down?"

"Last night when you said you'd take me," Plagg mumbled under his breath.

Adrien rolled his eyes. "PLAGG, CLAWS OUT!"

Adrien turned into Chat Noir with a green flash and used his pole to reach Marinette's house. He landed on her balcony and knocked on her window. She seemed startled and opened it quickly.

"Chat! We have to go to the movie theater. I left something very important there."

Marinette seemed very panicked. He didn't question her. Chat Noir grabbed Marinette around her back and legs. He felt Marinette's grip tighten around him. Chat Noir hopped through the sky, landing in front of the movie theater. He set Marinette down gently. She let go of his muscles and ran inside, anxious to retrieve what she had lost. Chat Noir trailed after her.

"What are we looking for exactly?" Chat Noir asked.

"It's a red...toy. It has black dots on it too. My friend Alya let me borrow it and I left it somewhere. She'd kill me if I didn't bring it back," Marinette lied while turning red.

Chat Noir pretended not to notice and searched near the popcorn. Sure enough, there was that red toy laying on the ground. Chat Noir picked it up.

This looks so...familiar.

"You found her-I mean...it," Marinette stuttered.


Chat Noir handed it to Marinette who carefully took it. She smiled and turned her back to Chat Noir. He couldn't see what she was doing with it, but it looked like she was...feeding it a macaroon? This seemed both weird and similar to Chat Noir.

That...thing looks like Plagg, but red. Could that be...Ladybug's kwami!?

Chat Noir just stared at the girl in front of him. He didn't know what else to do.

"Chat Noir? What are you doing?"

Marinette laughed at him. Chat Noir shook his head. He blushed and laughed with her.

"I'll take you home."

Chat Noir held out his arm that Marinette took. They jumped in the air and soared through the city to Marinette's balcony.

"How long can you stay?" Marinette asked as Chat Noir set her down in her room.

"I have to be home before dark. So...about fifteen more minutes," Chat Noir replied. "I do have a question for you though."

"Sure. What is it?"

"Was that 'toy' a kwami?"

Marinette's face paled. "H-how..." she trailed off.

"Are you Ladybug, Marinette?"

Chat Noir waited. He needed to know. Marinette took a deep breath.

"Tikki, spots on."

Oh damn. She's about to show Chat. I repeat: SHE'S ABOUT TO SHOW CHAT!
Bug Out.

972 words

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