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Oh my goodness!
I swear being a teenager is hard work. I really deserve a medal.
I'm not going to bore anyone with exaggerated stories about what I'm  going through.
I'll tell all that to my beautiful ever faithful bed as I sleep later in the day.(inna bloody cool way of course)
I deserve a speech, given by someone very important to me (my favourite celebrity will do, now I'll just have to pick one).

It should go:
"Dear family and friends or anyone who bothered to show up, what's good? How y'all doing?
         We are gathered here today to reward a very special young lady who  struggles everyday with the problem of TEENAGE YEARS but is still victorious.
      We all are aware that it's not an easy challenge, with all the drama from home and school, crazy emotions that makes one cry literally all the time -whats the deal with tears- , let's not forget the chores that have to be done then have time for a social life.
       So without further ado I present *calls all my names* with this gold medal that allows her get FREE goods whenever she shops because she deserves it."
   Or something like that.

So lemme actually type something related to priorities.

One! Three! Five! Go!

I get lectures from my parents all the time about the word.
I mean come on, there are a lotta things I could be doing on social media, bhet no , I'm expected to hangout with my siblings.
Is that actually possible without a fight happening?
I mean 😫 I have threee siblings!!
   They also expect me to read school books, that's worse than a dead phone.
But when push comes to shove ... I'm not sure what that actually means...
I think I get their point.

Priorities..the word means things important to thou
So what should be my priorities? What are your priorities?

   I miss when I was younger. Typing that makes me feel like an old woman.  Thats sooo not what a s*xy emotional teen says on a norms,  whats doing me.
   Oh back then... Arghhh.
Childhood was fun.
Free of worry.
Being a teen is
full of worries.
           Which are? ...thats the question I guess you are thinking ...

Everyone's a critic iffu ask me.
Stereotypes like:
Whos hot and not
Whos rich and not
Whos smart and not
Whos cool and not.
       What the hell is wrong with being totally weird,  stereotypes annoy me.
          Im kinda being a hypocrite right now,  I blame it on the fact I'm human!

...people thinkin now, "who asked me?"... I asked myself😝

          On an unrelated note,  wouldnt it be cool if humans didnt have to eat food to survive?
        Someone as lazy as me might have already considered it.  While food lovers will think I'm crazy.
      I'm not saying get rid of food completely just saying cooking and chewing is work!



Thanks for reading my rubbish if you did.  Till something completely stupid comes in mind and I feel like writing again,
I say...
how does one write a conclusion again?

Never mind,

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