chapter 3

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jughead jones. 18 years old. a trust fund baby. he already had a house of his own and was super proud of it. his parents were both very successful so he was born into luxury. private schools. huge houses. expensive cars. anything he ever wanted, he could get with one single text to his parents. but, he didn't like to do that. he liked doing it on his own. figuring things out by himself. he didn't plan on going to college yet, he wanted to wait until later. right now, he wanted to enjoy time off of school in his very own house in the middle of greenport, new york. a small town, but he was so over the loud noises of new york city, where his parents lived.
it was 12:17 am and jughead was up writing his novel until he heard a loud crash outside his house. he immediately ran out of his office and saw a motorcycle crashed into the huge tree he had in his front yard. terrified by the sight, he looked around to see who was driving it. after a few seconds, he saw a girl in a leather jacket laying on the ground of his driveway. it looked like she somehow jumped off the bike before it hit the tree. he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and ran towards the girl. miraculously, she didn't look badly hurt. she had a few cuts on her face but he couldn't see anything life-threatening. unsure of what to do, he brought her inside and left her on his couch while he went upstairs to grab his phone. he immediately called his personal doctor and closest friend, veronica lodge. after a few rings she answered, annoyed by the fact jughead was calling her in the middle of the night.
"ronnie, i know it's late, but i need you to come over a.s.a.p." he said and she could hear the slight panic in his voice.
"jug, why?" she asked, getting a little worried.
"there's this girl. she crashed her motorcycle in front of my house and i don't know how badly she is hurt. i don't see a lot of blood, but i want you to make sure everything is okay. please." he begged. she sighed and said she'd be right over.

jughead went back to the mystery girl laying on his couch. he took a look at her again, now that he was much more calm. god, she was beautiful. he couldn't help staring at her face. wondering what her smile looked like. wondering what color her eyes were. his thoughts were interrupted by a loud banging on his door.
"jug, it's veronica. open up"

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