Chapter Nine

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I would just like to say all your comments really make me happy so thank you! Also, sorry for not sticking to the update days very well, but life happens. This chapter hasn't been checked for grammar errors yet, but I will update it once it has, so ignore any typos please. Enjoy!

(Fixed it)


Sam's POV

The silence in the room was broken only by the soft, barely audible hum of the lights. It was the silence of pressure, lurking between now and what was about to happen, not heavy but obviously present. I looked up at the voice next to me, breathing deeply and blinking away the tension of the air.

"You ready for this?"

I nodded, "Let's get it started." Ruby smiled and stood, her movement too loud in the silent auditorium. The line of student on the stage, barely breathing with their apprehension, stared at her in hope and fear.

"Thank you all for coming to audition for our next play. The Great Gatsby. If you all would wait in the side hall, then tell the next person it's their turn when you leave, that would be great. I'm sure you will all do great. Have no worries this isn't meant to be stressful. Theater is for fun, expression, and doing something you like. So with that, I wish you all good luck, and for you to head out to your left. The first person on the list is Addams," she smiled at all of them, and I have to give her credit because most of them did seem calmer after her words.

The mass of teens left, one girl lingering towards the middle of the stage. Ruby joined me in the third row of seats, and told her to begin. After a deep breath, the girl smiled and became a bit livelier. She launched into her monologue, gesturing and making faces, and I thought she did pretty well. When she had finished Ruby sent her with the name of the next kid on the list, then turned to me and asked my opinion.

"I thought she did alright, she had the right emotions with her script, and she didn't stand in place the whole time," I offered.

"Yeah, but didn't she seem a bit forced to you? I thought she was speaking to fast to get it over with," Ruby said with a voice one might use when chastising a child and the aura of someone who thinks they know exactly what they are doing. I could imagine her with horns and a pointed tail, feet kicked up on the table in front of her as she grinned with masked malice as she praised the girl with undetectable sarcasm.

Suppressing a smirk at this, I nodded in consideration as the next student walked in, this one with more confidence than the last. After he auditioned, I gave Ruby my opinion and she would agree or disagree, then the next student would walk in. It continued like this, some of the student shyer than others, for two hours. By five thirty, Ruby had written enough on her sheet of paper to need a new pen, and I was tired of having to judge each of the hopefuls that stood on stage.

She had me bring them back from the hall and they huddled together, whispering and giving each other wary glances. I stood next to Ruby as she quieted them. She told them they all did well and not to feel bad if they don't get the part, but when she got to call backs, she sounded more sincere. The students looked at her expectantly as she instructed them all to look at the drama page on the school website, and that those listed would be back tomorrow for the final round. They nodded and left chatting excitedly.

"That wasn't so bad was it?" Ruby asked me.

Shrugging, I purse my lips, "No, it wasn't. Could have ended sooner, I'm ready for dinner."

She laughs and shakes her head at me, though I didn't find anything funny in my words. I swing my arms and bring my hands together, raising an eyebrow.

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