Chapter 1

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Jungkook was in the dance studio practice the choreography for Euphoria. The members were watching him as he kept on getting some steps wrong. "Jungkook, start again." The choreographer shouted. Jungkook was breathing heavily as he stood back into the middle, waiting for the music to start again.

He danced to the music as the room suddenly went silent. "That's enough. Go home and make sure you're ready for tomorrow." Jungkook nodded at his comment. Let's face it, he was a mess. The comeback was just in a few days and Jungkook was still getting choreography wrong.

Jungkook grabbed his bag and walked towards the car. The members were already inside waiting. "What was that about?" Taehyung asked. "I don't know. I promise I'll be better tomorrow." He mumbled. "Jungkook, the comeback is next week. You really need to make some progress." Hoseok signed. Jungkook just wanted to be as good as him, the main dancer.

He's even falling behind on his singing a little, isn't he meant to be the main vocalist?

'I really need to make some big changes.'
Jungkook thought to himself.

He woke up to five of the members getting out of the car. Jin walked up to him and took a seat. "Jungkookie, we're back home." He ruffled Jungkook's hair. "Okay.. Hyung." He mumbled while stretching his arms out and standing up. "Come on." Jin took Jungkook's hand and leaded him to the door. When they both walked inside, Jungkook squinted at the light. He already had a slight headache at the lack of sleep and the huge amount of exercise.

This just made it worse.

He walked straight to the living room and spotted Taehyung and Jimin playing video games. "Not again!" Taehyung shouted as he threw his controller on the couch. "Haha, i win!" Jimin yelled with excitement which made Jungkooks headache much worse.

He jumped on the couch as he buried his face in the pillow, making sure no light could make contact with his eyes. "What's up with you?" He heard Taehyung's worried tone. "Nothing.. I'm just tired and have a headache." He mumbled. "I'll get you some medicine." Taehyung said as he walked towards the kitchen.

Jin was in the kitchen while Taehyung was looking through the cupboards. "What are you looking for?" Jin asked. "Medicine for Jungkook. He has a headache." Jin searched through the cupboard and grabbed the tablets. "There you go. Get him to take one only." He nodded as he also got a glass of water.

"Jungkookie, here's your medicine. It'll make you feel better." Taehyung sung as he walked into the living room and sat near Jungkook. "Sit up." He removed the pillow that Jungkook had against his head. "Why?" He whimpered. "Do you want to feel better or not? You're probably getting headaches from working too much. We have a few more days left until Japan, okay? Then you can sleep a lot more!" Taehyung told him with excitement in the last few words. Everyone was excited for Japan, they can see all their fans.

Only a few more dance practices left, nothing to worry about.

"I'm pretty excited for that Tae, but I'm falling behind. I need to practice a lot more." Jungkook looked down. "Make sure you get a good night sleep tonight. Take this." He handed Jungkook the medicine and the cup of water. Jungkook swallowed the tablet and drank the full cup. Jin walked into the living room as he handed the members some granola bars. "There isn't enough time for dinner right now. Eat them and get a good nights sleep. We have practice early tomorrow."

Namjoon walked into the living room as he sat near Jimin. "Aren't you going to sleep yet? It's already eleven and we're waking up at six." He said. "I'm gonna go get ready for bed now." Jungkook slowly lifted himself up from the couch and walked upstairs.

"Does Jungkook feel okay? He looked kinda different." Namjoon frowned. "He told me he's just tired, also a headache." Taehyung said. "I'll go check on him." Namjoon got up and walked towards the room they're sharing.

"Jungkookie, are you okay?" He sat down on the bed as he noticed Jungkook squinting at the light. When he got closer Jungkook hugged the pillow and whined. "Jungkook?"

"I'm fine." He mumbled. "I was going to talk to you about today. What happened?" Namjoon waited for a reply but there was non. He moved his thumb down Jungkook's back as he looked up. "I was just tired. I'm sorry Hyung. I'll work harder tomorrow." He sighed. "Hey, you don't need to work any harder. You need some time off. Make sure you rest more, Kookie." He then pulled him into a hug and slightly squeezed him.

"I'm going to take a shower now. When I'm back you better be sleeping. It's already late." He nodded and put his head on the pillow. "Sleep well, Jungkook."

"Night Hyung". Jungkook mumbled. Namjoon turned off the lights and walked outside the room.

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