The truth and lucys revenge

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The whole guild: uhhh except Lucy
Lucy: oh sweetie I use my magic I told you, you havens seen my real power
?????: uh
Natsu: Lisanna what do you mean by why Lucy isn't dead yet
Lisanna: w-what d-do y-you mean
Natsu: stop playing dum Lisanna
Lucy: awwww Lisanna aren't you going to tell the whole guild what we're you planning to do with me and my baby girl
Lisanna: Lucy shut the up
Lucy: hell no you going to tell the guild what we're ya planning to do with me and my little girl (starts to cry)
Natsu: what is Lucy mean Lisanna
Mira: Lisanna (yelled)
Erza: (really mad) Lisanna us right now
Lisanna: fine uh
Lisanna: you need to killed lucy and her baby (shows a picture of Lucy being pregnant)
?????: yes and give me my money
Lisanna: fine here's your 1milllion dollars 💵 (gives the money to the person)
?????: ok I will do my job
?????: (sees Natsu and Lucy at a restaurant) hmmmm perfect timing
Waiter: ma'm what can I get for you
Lucy: can I get a strawberry milkshake with whip cream on the top please
Natsu: I'll have the same
????: (sneak into the kitchen and put something on her drink that will make die if she use her real power) hehehhe
Waiter: here's your drink
Lucy: (takes her drink) thank you
Natsu: (takes his drink) thanks
They finish drink it and go to the guild that to tell the guild that they were dating
The stranger told Lisanna what to do and make Lucy really mad.
End of the flashback
Natsu: (attack's Lisanna) you son of bitch
Lisanna: elf man and Mira please help me
Mira: why should we
Elf man: a real man would hurt a girl and a baby
Lisanna: you not going to help your own sister
Lucy: you mean a murdered right
Lisanna: what are you talking about
Lucy: oh Lisanna don't you remember me that little girl you killed her mother and her father and try to make strangers do sexuality on me Lisanna don't you remember when I win the singing competition and you lose
Lisanna: no it cant be I thought I got rid of you
Lucy: oh sweetie think again
Lisanna: I'm going to kill you
Lucy: oh yeah don't forget to tell Natsu, wendy, Gajeel, Loxius what did you do or should I tell them
Natsu: tell what Lucy
Lucy: Natsu it breaks my heart to tell you that
Lucy: (crying) mommy, daddy
Acnologia: Luce what's wrong where's mom and dad
Lucy: mama and daddy was burned down waaaasahhhh
Acnologia: (crying) w-what mom and dad are gone
Lucy: wahhhh yes I miss mom and dad
Acnologia: did you see who did it
Lucy: yes I saw someone when I was coming from the park
Acnologia: how does the person looked liked
Lucy: she was just like me I remember her from the competition
Acnologia: is that the girl who lose yesterday and was really mad
Lucy: yes wahhhh
Acnologia: was that bitch I will kill her
Lucy: please don't
Acnologia: fine I won't but only for you
Acnologia start spending time on his traveled to buy food and what I didn't know that he was the dragons king. But Lisanna had to kill him because he wanted to protect all the dragons even igneel, and the other dragons.lisanna killed them all even my big brother. (You might be wonder how did Lisanna did all of this on her own well she stole her parents money and pay someone very powerful to do the job and killed Lucy's brother with a magical sword but Lisanna left the sword behind and I found it and took it and said "I will get my revenge Lisanna" well Lisanna today's is the day. Oh and she even killed her own parents oops I just tell the tea out
Lucy: elf man and Mira you mind if I killed your sister because last time I said to stay away from me and my baby but she didn't
Mira: yes do it she killed our parents
Elf man: a real man wouldn't killed her own parents so yes
Lucy: as your wish (Lucy takes out the sword that Lisanna killed her brother with)
Lisanna: n-no you not going to use that on me are you
All the dragon slayer: killed her already

 Lucy: awww looked at that it still have my brothers blood on it and if don't believe dragon slayer smell it and you will smell your dragons on it and other dragon (The dragon slayers smelled it) All of them: I-I-it's true Lucy: (starts crying) th...

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Lucy: awww looked at that it still have my brothers blood on it and if don't believe dragon slayer smell it and you will smell your dragons on it and other dragon
(The dragon slayers smelled it)
All of them: I-I-it's true
Lucy: (starts crying) this is all I can give you to remember them (Lucy makes a necklace of a smell of their dragons) this is all i can do for you as the queen of the dragons
All of them: thank you Lucy
Lucy: as for you
Lisanna: no Lucy please we can talk about this
Lucy: yea you actually right
Lisanna: really (mind) wow she actually believed me hahahaha
The whole guild: what
Lucy: hugged Lisanna
Lisanna: (mind) wow she's really that dumb
Lucy: (Lucy takes the sword and stabbed Lisanna) hehehehe your welcome
Lisanna: I thought we were friends
Lucy: haha hahahaha you thought I can read mind so you actually think that I would let you live after what you done to my family and natsu's no Lisanna I'm never going to forgive you NEVER
Lisanna: (die)
Mira: (a evil laugh) ha I'll sure miss you sis not hahaha
Lucy: oh dragon slayer I have a surprised for you come outside
All of them: what is it Lucy
Lucy: (starts glowing) this
Lucy bought her family back the dragons but however there's a cause to pay for that spell she promised her friends that she would be alright but she lied she wasn't going to be alright
Lucy: (finished the spell and felled)
Natsu: Lucy ( worries)
Lucy: guys I'm sorry that I lied to you
Layla: no Lucy you did not use the spell yes mom after you died I took your book spell and learned this spell on 5 month
Layla: what that toke you 5 months to learn it and it took me 2 years to learn it
Erza: why Lucy why did you lied to us
Levy: but Lucy you just wake up
Layla and Jude: what do you mean
Wendy: she was in coma while she was pregnant it's a girl
Layla: what I have a granddaughter
Jude: where's is she
Acnologia: Lucy you did know the cause right Lucy
Lucy: yes
Acnologia: and you still do it why do you always think about others you were always like that
Lucy: guess what
Acnologia: what (crying)
Lucy: I took revenge on Lisanna I killed her
Acnologia: what that's my sis I'm proud of you
Lucy: I want to see my baby before I die
They bring Nashi to her
Lucy: oh my dear little girl it breaks my heart that I won't see you growing up but it must be done
The dragons: where's Lucy
Lucy: (starts crying) guys I'm so happy to see one last time
The dragons: what do you mean Luce
Layla: she used the spell
The dragons: what Lucy why
Lucy: I didn't kno-
Natsu: Lucy luiucy
Nashi: mama (crying) Manama
Erza: Lucy
Wendy: why
Gajeel: why bunny girl

 Lucy: awww looked at that it still have my brothers blood on it and if don't believe dragon slayer smell it and you will smell your dragons on it and other dragon (The dragon slayers smelled it) All of them: I-I-it's true Lucy: (starts crying) th...

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Layla: don't you dare call my daughter bunny girl
Gajeel: y-y-yes ma'm *mumbles* wow scarier than Erza
Gray: what did you do to deserve this
Mira: whyyyy
Elf man: Lucyyyyt
Loxuis: why
Lucy whispered something on natsu's hears Natsu smiles and Nashi too
Nashi: bye bye mama mamma (crying).

What did Lucy whispered to natsu's hears found out on the next episode.


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