Sex in the city probably feels really really nice...
Alex woke up to the sound of her blaring alarm clock. She hit it and rolled over, eyelids heavy. She yawned and rolled out of bed, going to the bathroom and looking at herself in the mirror "ew" she said simply before washing her face and brushing her teeth. The next step in her morning routine was putting on close. Her usual black crop top, chains, ripped black jean shorts. You know. All that e-girl shit. She grabbed her apron and her stuff. She got out of her apartment complex and began to walk to work. Today was the day. Today was the day Mr. John laurens the sexy southern biker?? She didn't really know everything about him but she was trying to get to know....the contents of his pants- but..maybe this time was different. Maybe this time she wouldn't push away the people she cared about and would actually try getting into a relationship.... or not! Maybe just another one night stand. A part of her wanted a long term relationship though...Eliza seemed to think it'd be healthy for her- and Eliza was always right! With her classy poise blue dress and long neat brownish black hair and perfectness. She was amazing. Alex had no clue how they would even be close. It seemed like they were very different hell even polar opposites but Eliza was there for her when no one else was. When she was at her lowest Eliza dragged her out of the gutter. That's truly the first time she ever felt love or had hope for the world. Was Eliza...and before she knew it she was at work...about 3 ciggaweeds later- she checked in and her behind the counter, preparing peoples drinks very anxiously...he was coming...scenarios played through her head of what would happen. Most ended up badly. The clock seemed to go so fast and then it was her break and when she stepped outside there was the beautiful black shiny Harley and the equally if not more gorgeous man "h-hi..." alex said, all of a sudden getting shy. All he did was smile for awhile before saying " hi" confidently back, keeping his 1 million dollar smile. She looked up at him "you're pretty hot-" she said simply, pulling out a much needed ciggaweed. She began to smoke if, calming her nerves " well thanks darlin'~" he said softly " you're pretty smiling yourself...speaking of what time do you get off of work? I'd like to give you a ride home" to his place so they could *cough*. " I get off at 6...I hope I'll see you there-" she said with a happy grin. " you definitely will gorgeous" he stood and gave her a taste of her future, pushing her against the wall and kissing her passionately, pulling away before it got good. " you'll get more of that later~" Alex was stunned, flustered and flabbergasted "sure hope so-" she squeaked out and watched as he zoomed away, squealing and jumping up and down " JESUS FUCK!!"
Wow another update- this one feels specially cringey and bad...hope it isn't- have fun. This update is dedicated to yani
Fanfic....Nicotine until you fall all of our family.... I'm gonna rearrange the alphabet and put a little space between u and i