Porpentina Goldstein

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Newt sat in front of all of the enthusiastic students, obviously nervous. He heard a woman hollering,

" First years! All first years line up here! "

He scanned the room through his fringes and saw the Gryffindors looking quite jumpy and excited, the Ravenclaws calm and contained, but looking around in curiosity, the Slytherins scowling at everyone, but still unable to hide their anticipation, and the Hufflepuffs, a kind expression on each of their faces, grinning up at him expectedly. Newt quickly switched his gaze back to his feet and heard a few giggles from them. He loved teaching, but no matter how hard he tried, he could never get rid of his shyness.

The head of Slytherin, Professor Anguis brought a stool with the most beat up hat sitting on top of it. Anguis was a man with  short jet black hair, and bangs that covered his emerald green eyes. He was quite a charming man, and many Slytherin girls gossiped about him and how mysterious he was. The man for some reason seemed to dislike Newt though. They were both about the same age, but Anguis was probably a few years older.

Newt heard loud clapping, and he finally snapped out of his trance. The sorting hat had finished it's song, and a first year was being sorted into her house. Newt turned his head slightly to the right and gazed out the window. It looked breezy out there, and the moon was glistening, lighting the lake up. Newts eyes glinted as he gazed out admiringly. The moon was beautiful, and he had always loved looking up at it from his room at night.

He heard more loud clapping, and he was forced to come back to reality again. He saw that the sorting had already ended, and Headmaster Dippet stood from his chair. He looked down at his students, a warm, caring smile spreading across his face. He lifted his head confidently and spoke in a loud, clear voice,

" Good evening ladies, gentleman, and all newcomers! You see, before I even talk, I would like to introduce another newcomer who will be taking the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, and will be the new head of Gryffindor. Please welcome, Professor Porpentina Goldstein! "

A beautiful woman with short dark chocolate brown hair and honey-almond colored eyes walked into the Great Hall. She beamed at everyone and greeted them,

" Hello everyone! My name is Porpentina Goldstein, and as Professor Dippet has said, I will be taking the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, and will be the head of Gryffindor. I have been excited to meet you all, and I hope I can get along with you well! Thank you! "

Newt had his gaze on his feet once more, but he decided that he should at least see who this new professor was. He didn't want to be that rude... He took a quick glance, and was supposed to go back to staring at his feet again, but he couldn't.  Instead, he was stuck staring at her. He didn't know what it was about her, but for some reason he couldn't take his eyes off. He continued to gaze at her, earning a few stares from students as he thought,

( in Newt's head ) Porpentina Goldstein...

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