Chapter 6

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Cinder and Frost both spun around to see Blackpaw and a sliver tabby with fury in his eyes. Next to him was a brown battle-scared tom growling in anger.

"What are you doing in ShadowClan territory?" Growled the silver tabby.

Frost's fur fluffed out in fear. She arched her back in a defending position in front Cinder trying to protect her. She bared her teeth trying to be brave for Cinder. Her smokey gray-and white fur was bristling in fear as the brown battle-scared tom laughed.

"Do you really think a kittypet can defeat a ShadowClan warrior?" Yowled the brown tom.

Blackpaw had worry and fear in his eyes as the brown tom unsheathed his claws. "Clawface, do you think it's a good idea to hurt the she-cat?" He asked nervously.

"Of course! This kittypet and her kit should be taught a lesson, maybe just the mother though." Sneered the brown tom.

"Don't you dare touch my kit!" Growled Frost. She unsheathed her claws as the Clawface took a step forward.

"Hey Boulder, do you think I should kill this kittypet?" Smirked Clawface.

The silver tabby's eyes gleamed with pleasure. "I think she should be killed!" He snarled.

"Are you sure?" Asked Blackpaw. Both toms looked at him and hissed.

"What are you scared of a couple of kittypets? Don't act weak, Blackpaw!" Hissed Boulder.

Blackpaw looked away, Clawface took a step more towards Frost. He stood almost nose to nose with the white she-cat. He lunged at her with claws extended. Frost landed with painful thud on the ground.

"Mom!" Wailed Cinder. She started to run towards her but bumped into Boulder as he blocked her path.

"Stay out of kit! Blackpaw make sure this kit doesn't get near the fight!" Called Boulder.

Blackpaw ran towards them and did what he was told. Cinder looked at him with sad eyes as she watched her mother getting hurt.

Clawface slashed Frost's cheek with is razor sharp claws. Frost wailed in pain as blood poured out of her cheek. Frost bared her teeth and scratched his muzzle. He growled in anger and scratched her face multiple times. Cinder stared in horror as her mother's white fur got covered in blood.

"Please stop!" Yowled Cinder. Clawface smiled at her and looked back at Frost.

Blackpaw trembled in fear as he knew what was about to happen. Frost hissed as the brown tom scratched her eye. He grinned evilly at her and lifted his paw. Frost's blue eyes grew wide in fear and sadness. His claws were unsheathed and he looked at Cinder.

"Watch as your mother dies in front of you!" Clawface sneered.

Frost looked at her kit who was crying trying to get to her. Blackpaw kept her back with horror in his amber eyes. Frost turned back at her enemy, he brought down his paw at full force and sliced her throat. Frost screeched in pain as he got off of her.

"NO!" Shrieked Cinder. Blackpaw let her go towards her and tears streamed down her face.

Frost gasped for air as her kit came and pressed her muzzle into her bloody fur.

"Mama, please don't go!" Cried Cinder. She looked at her mother with sad blue eyes.

Frost weakly smiled at her. "Don't worry you... will be fine. Just remember that I love you." Rasped Frost. "The reason that we... came here was to find your father."

Cinder's blue eyes grew wide with confusion and sadness. "What are you talking about?" She asked.

"Get out of here kit, or do you want to die along with your pathetic mother?" Growled Boulder.

Frost felt herself slip into darkness as her vision got blurry. She coughed up blood and gasped for air. Boulder hissed at Cinder, she didn't know what to do.

"Go before you get hurt..." Frost was interrupted by a painful spasm. The last thing she heard was Cinder wailing in grief as she closed her blue eyes.

Book 1: Frost's DecisionWhere stories live. Discover now