species: witch
age: 17
sexuality: bi
perosnality: she is a bubbly person who is ready for adventures but that is when you get to know her in the beginning she is a soft spoken girl who usually just listens to people talk, but again when you really get to know her she is an outstanding person ready to learn and discover new things
likes: she likes when she has time to learn her human studies and her magic studies, she also enjoys the night time since she can fly around on her broom, she enjoys when she can tell her most trusted friends her secret and they keep it
dislikes: she really isn't a fan of top levelled witches or wizards they find themselves better than the rest, she doesn't really like being stereotyped for witches you see on t.v., she also hates the fact that her students in the human school are always making noise
fear: she fears that if she tells the wrong person of her identity it could all end in tragedy
weakness: she has normal weaknesses just like any human
strength: you would think it was magic right nope she is a bit of a no on at magic but she is a strong reader